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I was heading to the airport, to fly to my mum's house in L.A. For her birthday. I turned on She will be Loved by Maroon five and drove.

I dropped off my car, and heading to my station. I went up to get my ticket. "I'm sorry ma'am, that flight left at 3 in the morning, not three in the evening." "B-but..." I was sure I had the times right.... I started heading back to my seat, tears theatening to fall.

I sat down, and looked to see when the next flight was. Not for five days! I was going to miss my mums birthday...

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Yes?" I asked. It was a guy, in shades and a hoodie. That looks creepy.... "I couldn't help but hear your situation, me and my band are going to L.A. and you could ride our private jet." He said. That sounds great, but suspicous. "This sounds too good to be true, who are you anyways?" "Liam Payne, from One Direction, but shhhh, I don't want to be ambushed by fans." "Cool, I'm Melody, but I have to ask, why would you do something so generous, to some nobody like me Liam?" I asked.

"Because, you just seem so down to earth, and because I'm just a nice person." He winked. "Please, I insist."

I thought about it for a moment, it's my best bet, so what the hay. Yolo. Haha. No. I hate yolo its like lets go die, yay, yolo.

"Sure." I replied. "Yay, lets go Melody!" He said, grabbing my hand, and grabbed my bags. This had to be a dream.

We were on a private jet!! And I was sitting next to One Direction.... Holy crap. "So, Melody..." Harry started. "Yeah?" I responded. "Where are you from?" "Australia, but I move around quite a bit, but my mum lives in L.A."

"What are you guys doing in L.A?" I asked. "Tour." Liam answered. I mentally facepalmed, duh, they are One Direction. "So, Mel, are you a fan?" Lou wagled his eyebrows. "What is this, 20 questions?" I said playfully. "Now that you bring it up, yes, so don't avoid the question missy." Niall retorted.

"Yes, I am a fan." "Who's your favorite??" Zayn asked. "Honestly, Liam." Liam came over and hugged me. I blushed. "Yeeaaah! She's mine." Liam said. "But, you guys aren't my favorite band." I said, bursting their bubble, even though they are my favorite. "Who is? Lemme guess Justin Beiber?" Lou said. "Nah, that's Niall's." Liam said. "JUSTIN BIEBER!" Niall shouted. "Justin is alright, but I like the Plain White T's, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Selena Gomez and the Scene, and The Script." I listed. They had fake puppy dog poutie faces on. I laughed. "Ok, ok, you guys are my favorite."

We talked, and joked around. Liam put his hand on mine, and I felt the blush creep to my cheeks. Louis noticed, and had to point it out. "LIAM LOVES MELODY!" He screamed. I took my hand away, and looked out the window. "Aww, it's nothing to be ashamed of love, Liam isn't that bad." Harry said cheekily.

"Gee, thanks guys." Liam said, grabbing my hand couragously.

I blushed once again, and looked at Liam, and at our joint hands then back out the window.

"We will leave you two lovebirds alone!" Louis said, pulling the rest of the boys away to another room or something. Geez, this place is huge.

"Sorry about that Mel." Liam said. "I don't mind." I said, looking down, up, everywhere but at Liam. "Melody, I like you, a lot. We just met, but I feel like I have known you forever. Can we keep in touch after this little adventure?" I about fainted. "Yeah, I'd like that." He kissed my cheek, and I felt the blush coming back once more.



Personal oneshots are open. But limited space, and if I forget you, inbox me. I may be lazy about my stories, but eventually everything gets done.

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