Introductions: Class E (Rewrite)

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Takashi POV

As I walked down the hallway, something felt off. There were cameras—way more than you'd expect in a normal school. It was almost like they were watching every inch of the place. Seems like they take security very seriously here, or maybe there's more to it. Eh, who cares? I'm too tired for this shit.

When I finally reached my classroom, I pushed the door open and saw a few students already there chatting among themselves. I didn’t pay them much attention. I'm not in the mood for small talk. Without a second thought, I made my way to the back of the room and dropped into the seat by the window—the perfect spot to sleep and not be noticed by the teacher. Though those cameras would be a problem but I don't really care.

The moment I sat down, my head hit the desk, and I let the world fade away. Sleep was the only thing on my mind.

Third Person POV

As Chihara slept, more students began trickling into the classroom, the quiet murmur of voices slowly building as the seats filled. Once all of the students were seated, the bell rang. The door creaked open, and in walked the teacher.

He was an unusual figure—pale and strikingly thin, with medium-length blond hair that fell neatly to his shoulders. His crimson red eyes scanned the room. He wore a brown three-piece suit paired with a red tie, looking as though he had stepped straight out of the 1800s. One could almost imagine him with a top hat perched on the top of his head.

"Good morning, students," he began, his voice smooth but carrying an underlying authority. "My name is William James Moriarty, and I will be your teacher for the next three years. Unlike other schools, we do not change classes every year, so I suggest you take the time to get to know each other well."

Moriarty paused, allowing his words to sink in as some students exchanged glances. His tone was cool and formal, but there was a bit of a sharpness to it.

"Now," he continued, "I will distribute written materials regarding the school along with the admissions guide."

He moved around the room, handing out the papers with deliberate precision. The students remained quiet, each of them sizing up their new teacher.

Once everyone had received the materials, Moriarty returned to the front of the class. "In addition," he said, pulling out a neat stack of cards, "I will be handing out your student ID cards. These will grant you access to various facilities on campus, and they are also your method of payment. Anything on campus can be bought using the points allocated to you by the school."

There was a brief pause before Moriarty dropped the bombshell. "You have been given 100,000 points this month. One point is equivalent to one yen, and points will be distributed on the first of every month."

A ripple of disbelief ran through the room. Some students' eyes widened in shock, while others leaned forward, intrigued by the sheer amount. Whispers broke out among the students, but Moriarty seemed unfazed.

"Surprised by the amount?" he asked, his eyes glinting slightly with amusement. "This school evaluates you based on your talents and abilities. However, after graduation, all points will be returned to the school, so there is no use in hoarding them. While you are here, you are free to use your points however you wish. You can even transfer points to other students, but extorting them for points is strictly forbidden."

Moriarty's gaze swept across the room, making sure each student understood the gravity of his words. "Any questions?" he asked, awaiting for the first student to step forward.

The room fell silent, but tension buzzed beneath the surface as students processed the startling information they'd just received.

A student with dark brown hair raised his hand, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

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