And Say Are You Insane

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"Tay, you can't be serious", said Travis after a few moments of silence. Taylor wanted him to get her pregnant? She was at a height in her career and they had only recently begun dating a few months ago. Heck, they hadn't said their 'I love you's" yet. 

"Yes Travvy", she said, kissing his neck but he pushed her away gently. "Tay, you don't know what this means", he said to her softly. "Trav", she said, lost for words. "Tay, there's nothing in this world I'd love to do than knock you up and spend the rest of my life with you. But right now we are both very high up in our careers and spontaneously deciding to get pregnant may not be the best idea", he said to her, reaching up to wipe a tear that ran down her face. 

"You're right", she said quietly, almost in a faint whisper. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings baby", he said, pulling her into a hug but she broke loose and headed upstairs. "Tay!", he called up after her, but she kept on going. 

Taylor entered Travis's room which she had slept in the previous night and went into the attached bathroom. 

She locked the door behind her and crumbled to the ground, her body being racked with muffled sobs. Travis stood outside the bathroom door, hanging his head as he talked softly and gently to her, but she did not reply. He felt horrible. He hated when she cried but felt worse when he was the reason.

"Tay, baby. Please just open this door so we can talk. I'm so sorry, I should handled that differently", pleaded Travis, his ear against the door. All he heard were sobs and hiccups. No response. 

Travis sighed, near tears himself. Had he just ruined things with Taylor? He hadn't said it, but he was in love with her. He wasn't falling in love with her. He was dead on the ground in love with her already. 

"Daddy?", a little voice called behind him. How long had she been there? "Yes pumpkin", Travis said to his little daughter. "Sad?", she asked, pointing to the door. Travis sighed. "Yes love, she's sad. Why don't you go to the playroom so Daddy can make her happy again?", suggested Willow. She shook her head no. "I make her happy", she said, wiggling out of his arms and going to knock on the door. "Tay?", Willow called, making the sobs cease. Taylor was probably trying to cover it up. 

Taylor cleared her throat. "Yes?", she called. "Tay baby, open this door", Travis interjected. 

Taylor opened the door to reveal her tear-stained red eyes. "Baby girl", said Travis, but Willow beat him to a hug because she reached her arms up to Taylor. Taylor picked her up, and Willow immediately hugged Taylor, her head laying on her neck. "You sad", Willow commented in her cute little voice. 

"Awe, thank you honey", said Taylor, avoiding eye contact with Travis. "Feel better?", Willow asked a few minutes into the cuddle. "Thank you baby, you are the sweetest little girl ever", said Taylor, kissing her cheek. 

"Tay", said Travis. Taylor took a deep breath, putting Willow down and she went off to play. "Come here Tay", said Travis, pulling her into a strong hug, one not so tight that it hurt her but one that she couldn't sneak away from like last time. "Trav", Taylor said, feeling the lump return in her throat. "Shhh", he soothed, rubbing her back with one hand while gripping her middle with the other. 

She let out a gagged sob. "Let it out sweetheart, I've got you", he soothed, sitting on the cold bathroom tiles leaning against the wall with Taylor sitting on his lap in a straddle. Her head was buried in his neck as she took deep breaths as Travis instructed her, feeling his hand delicately stroke her back under her shirt. 

Taylor eventually lifted her head, revealing her red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "I'm so sorry I made you cry. You mean everything to me", he said, stroking her hair back from her face. "Trav, i'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that. That wasn't fair to you at all. But I", said Taylor, taking a deep breath to regain composure. "There is a slight chance I am pregnant right now", she said, now wanting to make eye contact with Travis. "Seriously baby?", Travis asked, shock and happiness on his face. 

Taylor nodded and continued. "I'm late for my period and waking up lately I've been feeling kinda nauseous and dizzy", admitted Taylor. 

Travis smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "Tay, if you are pregnant, i'd be so happy. We'd have a little baby. If you're already possibly pregnant than why did you want me to make you pregnant?", asked Travis, putting his hand under Taylor's chin to make them have eye contact. "So you wouldn't be mad if I am pregnant", admitted Taylor. Taylor couldn't help but smile a little. They got up off the floor. 

"Trav, will you stay with me when I take the test?", asked Taylor. "Of course baby. I'm right here", said Travis, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Do you want me to run to the store and pick up some tests?", asked Travis, running his hands along her sides. 

"I already have some", said Taylor, pulling some of them out of her purse. "Perfect", he said. 

After Taylor took two tests, she held onto Travis's torso tightly, squeezing her eyes tight against his chest. "You've got this Tay", he said.

The 3 minute timer went off on Taylor's phone, drawing her attention to the two upside-down tests on the counter. She groaned. "Let's do this baby", he said. 

Taylor, still holding Travis's hand, shut her eyes and flipped the test over before her eyes...

Cliffhanger again! So I don't know if I want her pregnant so early into the story, but at the same time I do. I can't choose! Comment down below what you want!<3

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