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"Ma! wake up, im leaving" Zac shook his mother Galdys. She murmured waving him off. Zac smacked his lips, "Alright then bye"

"Go to the liquor store" She said. "No, i'm not buying you no more alcohol just for you to drink yourself to death"

"Fuck you!"

"Yea whatever" Zac left out of the room and closed the door behind him. He grabbed his backpack and made his way out of the house and got on his bike going to school.

Today is the start of a new school year. Zachary is an 18 year old senior in high school. Growing up, it was rough for Zac. His mom is an alcoholic so she is always drunk and passed out. His grandfather was a little help up until Zac was 7 when he passed. Zac practically had to raise himself. The only thing keeping them alive is Zac's grandfathers will. He left some money to Zac since he raised him for the first 7 years of Zac's life before passing.

Wilson Home

"Fatima! You're gonna be late" Marcus yelled from the bottom of the steps. "I'm not going to be late" Fatima said coming down.

"Yea right, you haven't even eaten breakfast yet and it's already 7" They walked into the kitchen. Fatima sat down at the counter where Marcus had a plate of food waiting for her.

"You excited for your first day?" He asked. "I guess, i'm just ready to graduate" She told him.

"You're growing up, i can't believe it." He caught himself getting emotional. "Dad, you can be a little dramatic" She said. "Girl hush. Now look, i'm most likely working late today"

"Okay." This was nothing new to Fatima. Her dad is a neurosurgeon. She's pretty much by herself most of the time, which she doesn't mind at all.

"Call me when you get home okay?" He kissed her forehead. "I will, I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart, i'll see you later. Be safe" He grabbed his bag from the couch. "Okay, you too" He left out of the door.

Fatima finished her breakfast about ten minutes later and got her things getting ready to leave. Once she had everything, she set the alarm and went out to her car. She put her bag in the passenger seat, got in, and made her way to school.

First period.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked. "Nah you got it" Zac replied and she sat down.

"I'm Coach Smith your economics teacher. I'll keep it a buck, yall not doing much in this class. All I ask is that yall don't be so loud because i have film to go over. If you have to use the restroom, go. Just don't get caught in the halls cause im not saving you. That's all my rules, i'll let yall know if we have something to do"

"Yo you new here? I haven't seen you around before" Zac said.

"Yea i am"

"Cool, im Zac"

"Nice to meet you Zac, im Fatima"

"Likewise" He went back to his phone.


Fatima looked around the cafeteria looking for an empty table but most of them were full. She decided to step out of her comfort zone and go up to the only person she's met today.

"Hey Zac"

"Oh what's up Fatima?"

"Nothing, is it cool if i sit with you?"

"Oh fasho go ahead" He replied and she sat in front of him.


"Yea. Your jacket is hard where'd you get it from?"

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