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2 Weeks Later, Bali

"Pretty girl wake up" Zac said kissing her lips. "Nooo" She whined. "Come on. I let you sleep in"

"We're on vacation, I want to sleep"

"Fine, guess you don't want to go shopping then"

"No I do" She opened her eyes to Zac in her face. "Back the hell up playa"

"Man quit acting like you don't like me being all up on you"

"I don't"

"Remember that when you want to cuddle tonight"

"I'm just kidding"

"I thought so, hold up bae you got a mustache."

"Zachary, no the fuck i don't. Get off me"

"Yes you do i'm looking at it, you want me to shave it for you?" He pinched her skin and she smacked his head.

"Luther, I swear to God i'm going to slice your neck."

"Okay i'm kidding relax, get up and get ready. I'm gonna go to pops room real quick"


Zac grabbed his phone and went two doors down to Marcus' room. He knocked and a few moments later Marcus opened the door.

"The hell you want? I got company coming in 5 minutes"

"Company? We in a foreign country..wait you got a foreign lady pops?"

"No, she's american. What do you need"

"Can i come in? i need to talk to you real quick"

"Come on man" They walked in and sat at the dining table. "What's up?"

"So i'm planning on asking T to be my girlfriend at dinner tonight but my nerves are getting the best of me"


"I don't know. I'm kind of scared. I know she's gonna say yes but I ain't never did no shit like this and I want it to be perfect for her. She's gonna be my first and only girlfriend"

"Don't be nervous. What all you got planned?"

"Okay, but I'm taking her shopping in a bit, then massages, dinner, and maybe a walk along the beach. And i bought her mad jewelry. You think that's enough? I feel like that not enough, I want to give her the world"

Marcus laughs, "Son that's more than enough, I think you're on the right track. She doesn't care about anything else but quality time and you of all people know that. You're overthinking it"

"You sure I don't need to do anything else? I had to google what to do for women, why do they like a bunch of shit"

"That's women, but I can assure you that is enough for her. I'm glad that you want to go above and beyond for her, and that you treat her like the queen she is. I used to be against her having a boyfriend, but I love you for her."

"Thanks. I'm just grateful that you accepted me and all my issues cause you and your daughter saved me and I want to give back to yall"

"No need. You're family"

Zac went back to him and Fatima's room and she was blasting music. He grabbed her phone and turned it down.

"Zachariah what did I tell you about touching my damn volume" She said from the bathroom. "My bad baby, but your music be mad loud" He went into the bathroom.

"Always touching shit" She mumbled. "Hurry up i need to shower" He said. "Go ahead, you don't have nothing I haven't seen before" She said which was true. She'd accidentally walked in on Zac changing one day and caught a glimpse of him.

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