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2 Weeks Later, Wednesday evening.

"Pretty girl, what's wrong?" Zac asked walking into her room. Fatima was curled up on her bed

"I started my period"

"Ew" He said under his breath. "Are your cramps bad? What you need?"

"Yes, i want them to go away."

"Alright" Zac got her heating pad and plugged it up next to her. "Come on, put it on your stomach"

Fatima stretched her legs out and put the heating pad on her stomach.

"I'll be back," He kissed her lips. Zac went downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Pops, you want some food?" Zac asked Marcus who was on the couch putting his shoes on.

"Nah, im about to head into work. You can leave me a plate tho. Where's your girl?"

"Upstairs, she started her period"


"That's what i said."

"Well at least we know she ain't pregnant, praise God"

"Why would she be pregnant?"

"Wha- yall not having sex?"

"Woah, this escalated"

"I mean i thought yall were"

"No we aren't. First of all, no. Second, that's my bestie. Aw hell, she got me saying that corny ass shit"

"My bad playa, i just assumed. Shit it's a relief knowing it's the complete opposite. But that bestie shit is bull, yall not fooling nobody"

"That's all we are pops, we're friends"

"Hm, okay" Marcus only nodded his head. He knew that friend shit Zac spoke of wasn't going to last long. Marcus went upstairs while Zac started to cook. Marcus said goodbye to Fatima then went back downstairs and said bye to Zac before leaving out of the door.

Zac finished cooking 30 minutes later. He made Salmon, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. He plated the food and grabbed a water bottle before making his way upstairs. He went into Fatima's room and she was watching tik toks.

"Im not hungry"

"You're gonna eat, if you don't, ill shove this entire plate down your throat"

She took the plate from him, "You don't have to be so mean"

He sat the water bottle on her night stand, "Yea whatever" He turned to leave.

"Where you going?"

"To get my plate, i'll be back"

"Okay, can you bring me a honey bun too"

"Yea i got you" Zac went downstairs and a few moments later he returned. He got in the bed with Fatima and they started eating.

"This is so good, you need to make this more often"

"I got you."

"Where'd you learn how to cook?"

"Partly from my grandad, also growing up with a mother that didn't cook, i had to make way"

"I understand that"

After 5 minutes Fatima was in Zac's plate, which he never minded. But Zac looked up and Fatima's food was gone. He wasn't gonna say anything cause as much as she claims she isn't hungry, she gonna eat, and he was happy she did.

"Why are you smiling at me?" She asked with a mouthful.

"No reason" He grabbed her chin and kissed her lips and let her go back to eating. Eventually she took his plate from him so he picked up her honey bun.

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