Unoffically Offical

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     I climbed up on the counter, flipping the page in the catalog. "I don't feel good," I lied, drumming my fingers along the edge of the counter. Hallie continued to straighten up the tables near the front. She didn't even look up when she answered.   

     "Mace," Hallie laughed, "We all know you're a bitch, but you have to be nice to this kid."

     "Gee, thanks Hal." I faked a grin. Everyone knew I was a bitch. While that was obviously true, and I had heard it many times before, it still took me slightly by surprise. I smiled as she crossed her arms, finally looking at me, pretending to give me a stern look. She waggled her finger in front of my face, "Behave."

     I scoffed once. Who, me? Behaving? I pretended to snap at her finger, and she pulled back, gasping. "No biting!" She instructed, her voice failing her as she tried to stay stern.

      We both scanned the empty store, amazed at how crowded it was hours before but so empty now.

     "Violet, are you ready yet?" Hallie called out, looking towards the break room.

     "One minute," Violet's voice returned. Her grumble met my ears, and I looked around the room slowly, confused with the situation.

     "What's going on?" My eyes continued to scan the store.

     "Hallie's making me take her to Matson's," Violet appeared around the corner sporting jeans and a turtle-neck sweater. Her large boots clanked as she moved toward us. Hallie erupted in laughter, leaning forward on the counter, gasping for air. I covered my mouth, laughing slightly. "And the outfit?"

     "I found them in back," Hallie laughed, clapping her hands together. "She's only the driver. Tonight is not for her entertainment." She was obviously proud of this idea.

     "So I have to wear this to keep the boys away."

     "You're lucky I'm not making you sit in the car." Hallie shot back.

     "Yeah," Vi looked down at her outfit, "Lucky." She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.

     I laughed again, amused by the odd behavior between the two. I didn't say anything, though, as I watched the interaction. Hallie must have noticed my confusion, as she explained her thought process. 

     "She owed me." Hallie leaned forward on her elbows, resting them on the counter, explaining to me. I nodded, still keeping my mouth shut, except for the giggles that I couldn't help. Hallie turned back to Hallie, instructing her, "Do a spin, Vi. Let us see."

     Vi groaned, stomping in a circle, her boots making clicks and clanks on the tile. Hallie laughed again. This was cruel. All I had made Vi do was help me with the shift, which ended up as paid over-time. I was the one who ditched Jack to help her. I was the one who covered with her parents and let her sleep/barf at my house. All Hallie had done was pick us up. It was less than a five minute drive. This was insane. If I was Violet, I'd be angry. I wasn't, however, so I laughed.

     "Well," I looked at the clock behind me, "Logan should be here soon."

     "I know you don't want to go," Hallie started, "but it's the right thing to do."

     "And," Violet added, "You never do the right thing, so you should this time."

     "Agreed." This earned a high five from Violet. 

      I rolled my eyes, "Thanks guys."

     Hallie laughed again, walking in circles around Violet, inspecting her. "One more thing," She concluded, "Maisie, will you make me a sign for her to wear?"

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