Picking and Choosing

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     "Hey." I smiled, folding my arms over my chest as I blocked the entrance to the store.

     "Hey, you." Logan smiled, kissing my cheek, "But I'm late for work, so you're going to have to move now."

     "Not yet." I shook my head, a devious smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. 

     Logan ran a hand through his shaggy hair.  I had been bugging Jack about getting a haircut for a couple weeks. It was definitely overdue. Jack had always kept his hair pretty short, so seeing a little bit of a messy side surprised me. I wondered why he hadn't been so eager to get a haircut like he usually was. He had claimed it was just a new trend, and honestly, I couldn't complain. It was nice to see Jack trying out something new, and I had to admit that I did find the new hair attractive. It was by no means long, but I could easily slide my hand in there and grab a fistful of his curly dark hair. It was cute, really. It did, however, make him look younger than he was. I laughed at how for once I wasn't seen as the girl dating a college boy. I was the cougar when his hair looked like that. 

     It wasn't until now that I noticed Jack's new hair had a striking similarity to Logan's. I felt guilty, realizing that I found Jack's new hair so much more attractive only because it reminded me of Logan.

     "Maisie, I'm late." Logan nudged against me, and I slid to the side, allowing him to enter. He hopped over the counter, tucking his keys into his coat pocket as he pushed it under the counter. I leaned against it, watching him. I bit my lip playfully, my eyes following him as he moved around the floor.

     "So," I leaned forward on my elbows for a second. I pulled back, startled by the cold counter. Standing up tall, I folded my arms back over my chest, "Someone dropped off an extra gift for me. Do you know who it could have been?"

     He turned slowly, his eyes watching me. His smile tugged at his lips, but his face attempted to stay stern. "No idea."

     "Logan." I laughed, looking across the street. Neither I nor the girls were working this shift, but I was sure the store was filled with demanding customers. "You didn't have to get me anything."

     He shrugged, "I didn't. I have no idea what you're talking about."

     I laughed, shaking my head, "Thank you."

     "You're welcome." He smiled, leaning across the counter to press his lips against my forehead. Butterflies squirmed around my stomach, my heart rate increasing. 

     "Hey, Mace," I heard a voice behind me, and I stood up straighter, turning to face the familiar sound. Jack moved toward me, snaking his arms around my waist and pressing his lips against mine. My arms found his neck, my hands toying with his longer hair. I only pulled back when I heard Logan grunt behind me. I turned back to him, sympathetically, but he was already at the end of the counter, helping a customer. His eyes were locked on mine, and he shook his head. I looked back to Jack, my hand tangling in his.

     "What are you doing here?"

     "Just shopping." He leaned forward, kissing my neck. I moaned softly, giggling, as his hands found my hips, tightly pressing me against the counter. "You look good. How much do you cost?"

     I blushed, my hands falling upon his chest, pressing back slightly. He leaned forward, his arms tightening around my waist, and I found my body being lifted off the ground. Carrying me to where Logan was standing, Jack set me on the counter. "How much does this cost?" He laughed, biting playfully at my shoulder. I watched Logan's jaw tighten, and he grunted. "I'm going to have to ask you two to leave."

     Jack rolled his eyes, a grunt escaping his own lips, as he grabbed my hand, tugging me from the counter. As we exited, I turned over my shoulder, frowning, mouthing a sorry to Logan. He shrugged, before returning his attention to the next customer. 

     I followed Jack to his truck, and he nudged me against it, pinning my hands above my head. "Come with me?"

     "I have stuff to do," I apologized, looking up at him. 

      He leaned forward, his forehead pressing against mine. His lips brushed over mine as he spoke, "Come on, we'll go to a movie or something."

     "I can't." I frowned, "I have plans with the girls."

     "Okay, later then?" He pulled back, and I moved away from his truck so he could climb in.

     "Of course. I'll call you, okay?"

      He smiled, kissing my cheek before tugging the door closed and backing out of the parking spot. I waited until he was completely out of site, waving as he pulled away. I took in a deep breath, before reentering the store.

     "Logan." I leaned against the counter again, waiting for him to finish ringing up a customer. He bagged her items, handing her the plastic bag over the counter. She thanked him, before moving past me to exit.

     "Where'd your boyfriend go?" Logan growled, leaning forward on his elbows. 

      I rolled my eyes, "I got rid of him. Stop being so jealous."

      "Maisie, I'm not going to help you cheat on him. If you want to be together, you're going to have to dump him." Logan stood up, continuing, "And don't tell me you don't want to be together. You're always flirting with me, and it's driving me crazy. If I can't have you, I—"

      "I'm sorry." I frowned, biting my lip. I knew he was right, I was turning into my mother. I had to break things off with one of them, but officially, Logan wasn't my boyfriend, and it wasn't like we'd kissed or anything. We had a flirty friendship, and that was it. Was that so bad?  I would have to make that decision sooner rather than later. Although, deep down, I felt as though my decision had already been made. 

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