One in the Same

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      I rang the doorbell, before stepping back, drawing in a deep breath. The morning air pushed my hair around me, my curls blocking my vision. I used my hand to hold my bangs back, regretting the moment when I walked past my bobby pins without picking any up for later-use: I could use one now. As the large door opened, familiar faces welcomed me. I smiled politely, as they opened the door wider, allowing me to enter. I followed inside quietly, still smiling, as I removed my shoes. I pushed them with my foot to the corner, where the floorboards touched. Now standing in only my socks, I could hear small feet patting across the tile.

     "Maisie! Maisie!" The small child threw her tiny body toward me, her arms flinging to grasp my waist.

     "Hey." I smiled down at her. Her arms held tightly to my waist, as her pale blue eyes gazed up into mine, a grin smeared across her face, "How are you?"

     "I'm great now that you're here!" She clung harder to my body, and I laughed at this.

     "Now, Kyleigh," The man beside me scolded, "You behave for Maisie."

     "I will, Daddy." She grinned, her small voice causing me to smile.

      "We'll be back in a couple hours, call my cell if you need anything."

      I assured him I would, and Kyleigh hugged her parents goodbye. I watched her father's hand snake into her mother's as they moved down the driveway. I lifted the small child into my arms. She placed herself accordingly on my hip, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. She held my neck with one free arm, as the other waved frantically to her parents as their car faded from our view.

     When it was completely gone, I closed the front door, placing her back on her tiny feet.

     "It was my birthday last week!" She giggled.

     "It was?" I used my talking-to-little-kids voice, "Awesome! What'd you get?"

     "I'll show you!" She giggled again, her small hand grabbing mine. She led me up the stairs to her room. As she pushed open the door, the bright pink walls instantly reminded me of Layla's. The room was full of balloons, some solid colors, others reading: 'You're 6!' or 'Happy Birthday!'

     She ran over to her bed, jumping up onto it, bouncing. I took her small hand, guiding her back to the floor. "Remember, Mommy said no jumping on your bed."

     "Oh, yeah," She giggled, "I forgot."

     I smiled at how tiny her voice seemed compared to mine. I crouched down beside her, smiling. "Maisie," She giggled again, "Can you give me a makeover so I can look as pretty as you?"

      I smiled, poking her nose. "You already do," I informed her, but I nodded anyway, "But sure I can. Why don't you go downstairs and wait on the couch. I'm going to check on your sister, okay?"

     "Okay!" She twirled in circles, dancing away. I could hear her small feet on the stairs, as she spun and leap like she was learning in her ballet class. She loved to tell me all about that. As I stepped into the hallway, I pulled her door closed. I moved down the hall, passing a bathroom and storage closet before my fingers curled around the next doorknob.

     "Lily." I smiled, moving to the crib, "Lily." I reached my hands out, earning a giggle from the toddler. "Hi sweetheart."

     "Hi," She returned, her voice still baby-like.

      "Do you want to go downstairs?" I asked her, as she held her arms up above her head, asking to be picked up. She only knew a few words; she was just about eighteen months old.

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