.+Chapter 11+.

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We were casually in a dark hallway as we gave a tour. Alastor still had his arm wrapped around me... my dad was not pleased about that fact. "So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven! We just need a little time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped," Charlie explained to Dad. Alastor and I stopped when Husk spoke.

"Hey, boss. Can I have a word?" Alastor spins around, and so do I.

"What is it? Also, Y/n dear go catch up with your father. I'll be back"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, darling, I'm fine" I nodded and turned away with a sigh, running to catch up and shaking off the darkness that loomed in his eyes. The tour continued as Vaggie and Charlie 'showed' Dad into the hotel. Yeah, he was not interested.

"Hey Y/n do they ever stop talking" I turn to Dad and shake my head, "Yeah I didn't think so... anyway what's up with Smiley and you..." Shrugging my shoulders I continue to walk. "Don't ignore me Y/n. Listen, I don't want my little girl-"

"I'm not a little girl dad. I'm a fucking adult."

"Hey hey let's not use that language around me missy!" rolling my eyes I continue to walk.

"Yeah whatever"

"What is your issue Y/n? I'm your dad. You're supposed to tell me things!"

"Dad, just stop, okay? I don't care!" I took a breath and turned away. I could feel his eyes boring into my skull. I catch up with the rest of the group as I hear Vaggie talk.

"And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes... almost."

"So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!" He stuffs some in his chest fluff... he showed me, he can put a lot of shit in his chest fluff.

"Well, that certainly is, uhh... is-is something," Dad spoke. I could still feel his eyes on me. I ignored it. We arrived outside on a balcony as Charlie turned to our dad.

"So, what do you think?"

"About what?"

"The hotel."

"Oh! Yes! It does- it does look much better now, doesn't it? You know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge! Whoopie! Bye!" That's not what she was talking about, Dad.

"What? No, no, the plan, Dad! What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?"

"Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners, you know, are just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them, and heaven? Hohooo boy, Heaven is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open-minded as you'd hope."

"These are our people, Dad, I... I have to try!"

"Our 'people' Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for people like—" The whole ground shook, and we looked around a hell quake?

"Geez! What now?!" probably a hell quake, Vagina.

"Well, like that." Dozens of shark demons are on the ground. They have a battering ram. Guns, melee weapons, and more. Oh, what the hell.

"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!" Oh, so the bitch who knows Alastor and who just so ruined my dad's and Alastors's song. Dad turns around with a sigh. He opens a portal and pulls us through, ending up in the lobby.

"Que Carajo?!"

"What's going on?!"

"I maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from," Oh fucking kill yourself Mimzy!

"You better come out!" One shark spoke. I sighed. Oh fuck, hey at least I can get to use the abilities Alastor taught me.

"And I may have also stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!" Um, that's great wanna get into a crash yourself? Fireballs from the outside suddenly bombarded the windows and walls. The windows crashed, and the floors were bombed with fireballs that suddenly came from the outside. Charlie and Vaggie screamed as more fireballs came raining on them. I backed up quickly, trying to find cover. Niffty's horror grew as she witnessed the destruction of the windows that she had cleaned so long ago. Angel Dust scoots back to his seat after a fireball nearly hits him. Oh, what the hell, Mimzy!

"My windows!" Awe poor Niffty!

Ah! We're under siege! Ah! Take cover!" One thing I agree with. Everything was in sheer chaos. Fireballs came down from the ceiling. Now I'm not dumb, so I went into the shadows and stayed there. I don't wanna get hit okay? I travel upstairs in a heartbeat and I find Alastor In a hallway looking at the paintings.


"Oh, darling, so glad you are alright." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you please do your job and come help us kill these fuckers?"

"Oh, I can, my love, just one thing! I wanna make a deal" What the hell no!

"Alastor, I will not be making any deals with you!"

"Oh, my darling, it's not for your soul! I just want to make a friendly deal" I raised one eyebrow waiting for him to continue, "You be bound to me..." The hell no absolutely not, "and in return, I will never ask for anyone you care about souls." Freezing my body, it took me a minute to think he would never go after Charlie's soul...

"Alastor... what do you mean bound to you"

"It means darling that you will love me and only me! You will be mine, only mine!" As I paused to contemplate my thoughts, I slowly averted my gaze. The pressure of making a critical decision weighed heavily on my mind, but time was not a luxury I had at the moment. Downstairs, the situation was still in disarray. I had to think... this was a good deal... but I didn't want to make a deal with him because if there is even one loophole he can find it's over. "Darling, it's a great offer. Take my hand and make the deal." The pressure loomed in me as I turned back to him. "So it's a deal, then?"

"Yeah, it is." My hand touched his as the entire room turned a glitching green. My hand felt on fire. He let go of my hand and then pulled me into him. Fuck, what did I just do, no no, no, I just made a deal, bounding myself to him, but I saved the people I care about. He then grabs my chin.

"Put a smile on your face, darling!"

"How can I do that when I just made a horrible mistake?"

"You didn't make a mistake at all!" He leaned down and pecked my lips. "Let's go help the others now, right, darling?"

So it's a deal thenWhere stories live. Discover now