Chapter 1: The Girl Awakens/ The Avatar Returns

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Three years Later

"Kairi! Table threes' order is up!" Pao said. I ran over and grabbed it. It has been three years since I came to Ba Sing Se. I am sixteen now, and while life has been easy, even with this feeling inside, like something is about to change.  the tea shop has gotten a bit more customers, Pao believes because it is boys trying to court me. I think it is because since we have saved so much money on water, we can buy better tea, even if Pao still isn't a very good tea maker. As I was handing the last boy his cup of tea I felt a stab in my head. Then another, then another. I excused myself from the table and ran to the back. 

"Pao! I am taking a break! I will be back shortly!" I yelled out as I ran upstairs to get Luna. She slept around most of the day, even when I tried to take her outside she slept. I always try to take her out on the colder days, but she is a polar bear dog that hates the cold. She is about the size of a horse but surprisingly doesn't weigh much for her size now. I took her out the back door and got on top of her. I rode her to a small cave I found about two years ago. Here I practice my more intense bending and call the spirits to talk to them. As I got there my head pounded even more. Then it happened. The earth started to shake, my hands got hot, and the air around me began to circle. The elements were beginning to circle around me. I felt a connection to something, someone, then I passed out. 

Outside the Southern Water Tribe: (Third Person)

"Katara, get back here! We don't know what that thing is!" Sokka, a southern water tribe boy says to his sister. His sister, Katara reaches the iceberg first and begins to repeatedly strike the iceberg with Sokka's club. On her fifth strike, the club breaks through the surface and a great gust of wind, which escapes from within the iceberg, throws her and her brother back from the side of the dome. Fissures quickly snake their way over the whole iceberg and, in a massive outward explosion, the entire orb of ice destroys itself. A beam of light bursts from the core of the iceberg and rockets into the sky. 

On a Fire Nation Ship:

"The Avatar." A scarred boy says. 

Kairi POV:

As I woke I looked at the world around me. Something was different. The earth, the air, the heat around me, it all felt more real, almost like I could reach out and touch it, almost like how water felt to me. As I sit up, Luna runs over to me and licks me repeatedly, "Eww, Luna stop. I'm okay." I say as I shove her off. I didn't know how long I had been out, but I knew I had to get back to the teahouse. I got onto Luna and we rode out of the cave. It was already night outside, and I knew Pao was going to be so upset with me. As we approached the teahouse I hopped off Luna and ran inside. As I did, I ran straight into Pao. I was about to apologize, but he pulled me in for a hug. 

"Oh, Ree-Ree! I thought something terrible happened to you! We had that terrible earthquake and I thought you got trapped in that cave of yours!" He said as he patted my back.

Earthquake? What Earthquake? Why didn't that wake me up? I thought. "I am okay. Luna just got spooked and ran off. It took me a long time to find her." I hated lying to him but I had to. I don't know what happened out there.

"Is she okay now? I know how much she means to you."

"Yes she is fine now, we are both just really tired. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help clean up after the Earthquake and with the customers."

"It is okay Ree-Ree, you and Luna just go rest. I will close up shop for tonight and head home as well. I should check on Maling." I wished Maling would come here more, she was Pao's wife and the sweetest person ever. I told him goodnight and went outside to get Luna. We headed upstairs and I dozed off to sleep. 

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