Chapter 4: Date

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Kairi POV:

"You're a waterbender," Lee said as he looked at me. Being the fire prince made him so observant and smart. I gulped and shook my head.

"I didn't think you'd figure it out. Please don't report me." I said as I looked at him with desperation.

"Why would I report you? You were nothing but kind to my uncle and me." He said squeezing my hand. I know that he has treated me with nothing but kindness, well as kind as he can be sometimes, but he still was fire lord Ozais's son. He was still chasing the avatar, and well I am one of them.

"Well, then you might know what I'll be doing with this water." He shook his head no, seeing as you could only heal on a full moon, or with spirit water unless you were taught by a true healing master, but I began to heal him. He just stared at me with amazement in his eyes. When I was done healing him I looked at him in the eyes. He deserves to know I know. "I have something else to say, and I don't want you to freak out." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What is it?"  He asked.

"I know who you really are," I said, as I went over to my satchel and pulled the poster out. " I found this when walking around town, I figured that guy that attacked you today probably put it up, in hopes to get people to kick you out." I handed the poster to him and he looked at it. The second he did he stood up, shocked.

"What the hell?!?!" He said as he looked at me a mixture of confusion and worry.

"I promise I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on treating you differently! I found it the day I first met you guys and I haven't told a single soul! I swear on everything I love! Which isn't a lot but I would kill everyone and everything that hurt Luna so it is a lot!" He began to pace back and forth then ran out. He ran across the way and slammed the door to his and his uncles' apartment. I sat on my bed and sighed.

"Good going Kairi, you scared off the only real friend you've ever had by not keeping your mouth shut and letting him know you know his biggest secret," I said as I forehead palmed myself. I looked over at Luna who was curled up in a ball in her blanket fort. " And then I go and spoil it all, by saying somethin' stupid like ' I know who you really are', don't I Luna?" She yawned and turned around. I lay down and just sighed. I heard the door of the apartment next store open and then the two men came in. They shut my door and locked it.

"Kairi, I heard you found out about us." General Iroh said. They might try and threaten me. I thought.

"Yes, it is true." No point in denying it

"And yet we are still here, unreported? Why? What do you want from us?" He asked. Zuko looks just as scary as Iroh.

"Nothing, really. My thought process was with you two being here, you must have disobeyed your nation, causing you to be exiled. And it isn't that you two are the reason for the war, nor have you given me any reason to fear you. I don't wish to treat you badly simply because you are fire nation." I then looked at Zuko. "As for what I want from you, well I just want us to continue to be friends. I've never had a friend before, or well at least a true one before." I gave him a small smile, in hopes to show I was no threat.

They both looked at each other as if they were talking with just their looks. I sat there in silence for at least five minutes, before they looked back at me.

"You know if we are found we will be coming after you? Correct?" Iroh said as Zuko nodded in agreement. 

"I know. However I really don't plan to, I know what it's like to try and hide from terrible people. And besides, Zuko knows a secret about me as well." I said as I turned my head to look out my window. 

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