I came early home today I saw that my grandmother was making extra food who was coming I asked her and she said that she was making it for our new neighbours
"no way Dadi you cannot make food for them, why not Dadi said Dadi because they are not good people"
"Shut up what can a fifteen-year-old can do to me so please do not disturb let me make some food for them her sister must be very tired she has been working very hard these few days"
"Dadi you do not know ,her sister she is a very dangerous so please do not feed them they will make their own food" I protested but my Dadi is not a type of person who would hear something against her decision so she just left from there with food in her hand "uhm what does even she sees in Ashrita I also do hard work she did not even tell me to eat food " but wait she dont even know ashrita but what if she meet ashrita omg i am going crazy guess i will just eat my food .
It has been one hour since my grandmother has gone to her house did she kidnapped my sweet little small sized grandmother , she is not a type of a person but still I have to rescue my grandmother I was wearing my sweatpants and a white t-shirt I thought to myself I should change myself but why should I change my clothes why should I care about her opinions lets go like this I need to rescue my grandmother .
I reached her house and was nervous before ringing the bell why I am being nervous I had never been nervous, Vansh control yourself I ranged the bell and the gate opened it was Ashrita standing there on the gate with a shocked look, that is what I was expecting. YOU she screamed, "yes me" I said with attitude controlling my laughter but I could not control when she looked so confused I busted out laughing. Vansh she is cute.
"Nothing," I said between chuckles. She's actually kind of cute when she's confused.
Dadi appeared, holding a tray of empty dishes. "Vansh, do you know her?"
"Yes, Dadi. I know her very well. She's my rival," I explained.
"Rival? What do you mean?"
"We work in the same industry," I replied casually.
Dadi raised an eyebrow. "So that's why you didn't want me to come here."
Before I could respond, Ashrita snapped, "Wait, Vansh. How long have you known I'm your neighbor?"
"I found out yesterday," I said with a shrug. "Why? Don't make a big deal out of it."
"Don't make a fuss?! If you'd told me earlier, I could've moved somewhere else!"
"You can still move," I said, smirking.
She clenched her fists. "Shut up! I'm not moving. I already bought this house, so don't bother with your 'great suggestions.'"
"I wasn't suggesting. I was ordering," I teased.
"Who do you think you are to order me? I'm staying here whether you like it or not!"
"You've got a small head," I shot back.
"Me? Small head? Look who's talking!"
"Enough!" Dadi shouted, silencing both of us. "You're not kids! Stop this nonsense."
"But Dadi—" I started.
"Quiet, Vansh! And why should she leave? I like her company. She's staying."
Ashrita smirked and made a face at me. "Hear that, Vansh?"
"Dadi, she's making faces at me!" I whined, pointing at her like a child.
"Stop it, both of you," Dadi said sternly. "You're adults. Make peace. Shake hands."
"No way!" we both said in unison.
Dadi's glared I reached out and grabbed Ashrita's hand, muttering, "Fine."
Fine as you guys have made your peace you guys are friends now
"Who said I was friends with him "Ashrita started her tantrum again "I said It" Dadi said in her no nonsense tone which even made Ashrita scared
I was just having fun so I started teasing her" hey new friend please get me a glass of water please"
"Yhea sure my friend do you want mineral water , chilled water or hot water or poison in water " she said rolling her eyes .
"Please get me a glass of mineral water ", i said with a grin
yes surely right away sir she said and left
Just when she was getting water I heard a scream from the kitchen it was Ashrita I ran towards the kichten she was sitting there sitting with her hand injured with the broken piece of glasses and she was controlling her tears why does she have to pretend that she is alright she was looking miserable right now
I was standing at a distance away so I don't think she saw me but just then her sister called her and she stood up and wiped her tears and acted like everything was normal , why does she always act like everything is fine can she express more she can cry in front of anyone here nobody will judge her why god why is she like this uhm just then someone tapped my shoulder it was Ashrita standing with a glass of water aaaaaaaaa I shouted
What are you doing ," I am just giving you a glass of water"
"I know but why do you act like a ghost ",
o please shut up and drink the water , she said
"wait Ashrita"i said with genuine concern
"What now" she said irritated
Give me your hand I said softly but obouisly she didn't answer camly but I took her hand and dragged her to the couch and made her sit
"Vansh stop it its nothing I always get hurt ,you don't have to-
"Please shut up you literally got a long cut on your hand and you still have the audacity to say these things "I said in a stern tone
"Vansh why do you care if I get hurt or di- .. care she said after a pause
"i dare you complete that sentence" i said while my eyes darken
then I took her hand and started putting aneseptic on it 'ow it hurts" then you should be more careful ' I was care...full ,she said
"Bare it for now " i said with no emotion
She just nodded quietly, and I bandaged her hand carefully. and left
from far i could see Her tears kept falling, and for some reason, it made something stir inside me.
I never show emotion, especially not to anyone. But this... her pain, the way her tears fell without a sound... it was affecting me in a way I couldn't understand.
Why am I feeling this way? Vansh Singhania doesn't get emotional. I don't care about anyone like this. But with her... it's different.
What are you doing to me, Ashrita?
(1282) words
कहते हैं, "ख़ुदा ने इस जहाँ में सभी के लिए
किसी ना किसी को है बनाया हर किसी के लिए"
तेरा मिलना है उस रब का इशारा
मानो मुझको बनाया तेरे जैसे ही किसी के लिए
कुछ तो है तुझसे राब्ता
कुछ तो है तुझसे राब्ता
कैसे हम जानें? हमें क्या पता
कुछ तो है तुझसे राब्ताlove yaa

Adversaries To Amour : A Tale Of Indian Rivalry And Romance
RomanceThey both hate each other but are scared to lose one another ; Ashrita and vansh ..,.,...........................................................,....... " Ashrita today I'll make you mine even if the god is against us " "Vansh I'll go so far from...