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I'm in trouble. They're planning on killing me, I've got to leave now.

The door opened. Who is it now?

"Elo" I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Rine.

"I told you guys not to do anything yet" he said.

Dr. Tolden just laughed.

"Why keep it a secret any longer? Just tell him so we can kill him" Dr. Tolden said.

Rine sighed and took a seat next to me.

"Do you really plan on killing me Rine? I thought we were friends" I said.

Rine shook his head and looked at me with a serious expression.

"We aren't friends Elo, and I'm eventually gonna tell you why" he said.

Dr. Tolden and Rilan sat down at the table too. They all stared at me, what can I do?

"First I'll tell you about our backstory, you should at least know why we turned out to be the people we are" Rine said.

The Tolden Brothers Backstory

"Rilan, Rile! Dad's home!" Rine shouted.

Rilan and Rile put the plates on the table and got ready for dinner.

"You think this will work?" Rile asked.

"I hope so" Rine said.

Their dad's name was Ricard Tolden. He was a hard working man and barely got the chance to stay home. Ricard took care of his three sons, Rilan, Rile, and Rine. Their mother was killed by Ricard, but he told them she died in her sleep. Late on the brother found their mother's body in their basement. Ricard threatened to kill them if they told the police. He tortured them when he was angry, they didn't even talk to him because they were afraid. If they said the wrong things to him, he'd hit them. It was even worse when he was drunk. He'd insult them and make them cook and clean for him.

"You fuckers done with dinner?" Ricard said.

They all nodded and watched as he sat at the table.

"How is the dinner, dad?" Rilan asked.

Ricard just looked at him.

"Shut the fuck up and eat" Ricard said.

They all stared at him as he ate the food. Suddenly he started coughing.

"The hell is in this food?" Ricard asked.

They didn't answer, they just stared at him. He closed his eyes and his face fell right into the plate.

They poisoned him. They found rat poison and put it in his food. They always wanted to kill him, but they were too scared of the consequences. They eventually snapped and decided to kill him once and for all.

"He's heavy!" Rine said.

"Stop complaining and put him on the counter" Rilan said.

Once he was on the counter, they stared at his body in confusion.

"So, what do we do with his body?" Rile asked.

Rilan grabbed a knife and cut Ricard's stomach open. Rile and Rine were disgusted.

"Why the fuck would you do that Rilan?" Rile shouted.

Rilan continued to cut the man open and take out his intestines.

"Have you ever wanted to eat human meat?" Rilan asked.

His brothers looked at him with wide eyes. They backed away from him and held onto each other.

"What's wrong with you? We can't eat him! Just dump his body in the forest or something!" Rile said.

Rilan pointed the knife at Rile and Rine.

"Sit your asses down and wait until I'm done cooking him" He said.

His brothers sat down at the table and waited. They were scared, they never seen him like this before.

Rilan was finally done cooking Ricard.

"I can't believe we're about to eat our own dad" Rile said.

Rine started shaking, he tried to keep himself from crying.

"You guys are babies, so we can kill our old man, but we can't eat him? Either you eat him, or you starve" Rilan said.

Rile and Rine looked at each other before cutting a piece of the meat and eating it.

They couldn't believe it, their dad actually tasted good?

"Why does he kinda taste like steak?" Rile asked.

Rilan smiled and continued eating.

"It's meat, I doubt he'd taste bad" Rilan said.

Ever since then, they continued eating human meat. They didn't mind eating it at all.


This is disgusting. They ate their own dad. How could they be so calm after doing such a thing?

"So you see Elo, human meat isn't that bad. You just make it seem like it's the worse thing in the world" Rilan said.

"You all are disgusting freaks!" I shouted.

They all laughed and got closer to me.

"Elo, I think it's time to tell you about the accident" Rine said.

I'm finally going to know what happened to me. All this time I was trying to figure out what happened, now I'm going to know the truth.

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐡Where stories live. Discover now