Chapter 3

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Before I forget, I changed Jacob's name to Rajin cause I thought it sounded cooler and I'll be using this name for all my MHA stories and I'll be changing Jacob to Rajin in the previous chapters also.

Next day

It is the day after Rajin and Izuku's first day at UA and were made students of the prestigious high school. And their main teacher from America, Satoru Gojo came to UA to be a teacher at the high school.

We can currently see the 1A class in their classroom after their hero studies period has ended and all of them were waiting to get their last period of the day.

Kaminari: What do you guys think our new subject is going to be.

Mina: I hope it isn't going to be anything boring.

Iida: Maybe it will be a more advanced subject from a college.

Momo: That could be it.

Kaminari: I hope it isn't, I already struggle with the current ones we have.

Mina: They shouldn't spring up a new advanced subject on us like that!

Izumi: Calm down Mina, it probably won't be so bad.

Mina: How would yo-

Before she could continue the door opens as Izuku and Rajin enter the classroom as they just simply went to their seats.

Iida: Wait why are you two late for class!?

Izuku: Cause we know the teacher and he gets to class late everytime.

Rajin: So whenever we get him, we come to class right before he does.

Sero: How do you even know when he will arrive?

They don't say anything but look at them with a questioning expression then turn to the door then point to it.

Kaminari: What are you doin-

Just then the door opens as Gojo steps into the class with the class looking in between them, confused on how they knew he was entering the room.

Gojo: What's wrong?

Izuku: They didn't believe us that we knew that you were going to come in late.

Gojo: *Smiles* You two are the same as the first day I got you.

Iida: That is no way to treat the teacher!

Gojo: Nah it's fine, they've been my students for a while now.

Tokoyami: And what did you teach them sir?

Gojo: That is the point of this class.

He goes to the white board and writes something on it. When he finished he turns back to the class.

Gojo: I'm going to teach you how to use Jujutsu.

The class stays silent till Momo raises her hand and Gojo points towards her.

Momo: Are you talking about the Martial Arts Jujutsu?

Gojo: No, it's what Jujutsu Sorcerers use when fighting and exorcising curses, there is already three powerful sorcerers in this class including Izuku and Rajin.

The class turned to Izuku and Rajin who were smiling at this as they just watched the class confused.

Izuku: Gojo-sensei, I think you should give them a proper example of this.

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