Chapter Six

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Weeks would pass, Izuku already suspecting from what the blonde had said weeks before that he was gonna make it, but the anticipation was holding his mind in a jail cell, mentally not being able to wait one more day for the letter.

He'd looked it up multiple times, and it said that the letters usually come within atleast 2 weeks, its been 3.

Was he lied to or did he misunderstand? Maybe he wasnt as good as everyone said he was. Maybe it sounded better during practice, or maybe they just didnt like his song at all. Not many like ballad songs, it's understandable.

Currently, he was laying down on his bed, dazed at his ceiling tinted in red by the l.e.ds, hands placed on his stomach.

The whole day consist of him showering soon after he woke up, going to wash his dishes, make his bed and stare at the wall after he ate. Nothing special, and played out just like every other day for the past few weeks, except for the ones where he'd take walks or go to the park.

"Izuku, come down here!"

"Coming!" rapidly hopping up and running out of his room, maybe it was what he thought it was.

But at the same time, hes been through this same situation, 10 times in the span of the entire week, its wednesday.

He would get called down by his mom with her voice excited, waiting for the letter to come in, but he would either have to wash dishes, wash and fold his own clothes, help gi grocery shopping, and help out the groceries up, maybe even help cook.

Everything he didnt want to do.

"Do you need me to help you with stuff or something.. because I just laid down from the dishes.."

"No no, here."

She pulled her hands from her back, revealing a bright yellow envelope, with ublue, red, and white lines outlining the triagular flap of it.

"I-is this--"

"Yep! It finally came!"

"Really? Give it to me!" Gently snatching it from the shorters chubby hands, Izuku opened it and read the paper aloud.

"Hello Izuku midoriya, bla bla... mmm... you have been..." his face fell.

"What.. Izuku?"

" have been rejected.."

"What?! Did you really? How could they reject my baby like that, and through a letter! Such cowards!" Inko looked mad, her brows furrowed and her mouth just wouldn't stop moving with insults.

"Alright alright mom, Im kidding.."

"Your kidding? You just got rejec--"

"No I didnt, I got accepted I was joking, calm down.."


They stared into eachothers eyes, lips slowly forming into a cheeky smile.

"Well if thats the case~.."





In the UA dormitory, the trainees were packing their things, some getting ready to move into new dorms with people on their level, some having to only moves rooms to fit for other new trainees.

Though it didnt make sense for those to move rooms, it was a already planned set up, and they didnt want to fix it so the trainees would have to deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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