6. Querencia.

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The breeze caressed their flushed faces, a welcomed coolness that eased her blush and his embarrassment. Accalia reached out and gently cradled his jaw. Alarick leaned into her touch, his eyes closing and chest vibrating with soft rumbles of satisfaction.

"You are submitting to me?" she murmured, her thumb brushing his cheek.

"My Moon," he repeated, his voice stronger now. "My Goddess."

Accalia's smile widened, unable to contain the rush of unfathomable emotions that flared throughout her entirety. Her hand slid from his jaw to his neck, then down to his shoulder and arm, until their fingers were entwined.

Alarick trembled slightly, his gaze fixed on Accalia as she rose gracefully and gently pulled him up alongside her. Despite her stature, he towered over her, his newfound height adding to his disorientation. With a hesitant step, he followed her lead, allowing her to guide him forward.

"Are you, perhaps, interested in a stroll? It would help you get accustomed to your new form," she suggested, her voice as soothing as a soft breeze.

He nodded eagerly, ready to do anything and everything as long as he spent time with his numinous lady.

"Voice," she laughed, the sound music to his ears. "Use your voice, Alarick."

"Yes," he stammered. "Yes."

With a twirl of her hand, a dense fog enveloped Alarick's body. Then, with a simple click of her fingers, it dispersed, revealing a large cloak that draped over him, swallowing him whole in its voluminous folds.

"I am aware that the concept of clothing is foreign to you. However, I do not wish for anyone to see what is not...theirs." She shot him a cheeky grin. "Think of it as a...fur substitute."

"Not theirs. Fur." He nodded slowly, digesting her words. Then, he stepped forward. "Walk. Us...walk."

This time, however, it was Alarick who led the way. His excitement was evident as he tugged her along, showing her his favorite spots with eager gestures and animated expressions. Accalia had to remind him one too many times to use his voice to express himself so he could get used to it.

As they strolled through the forest, their path occasionally punctuated by laughter and moments of quiet contemplation, the forest around them seemed to overflow with life. The symphony of nature surrounded them, with insects chirping, trees rustling in the wind, and plants swaying gently under the dappled moonlight filtering through the canopy above.

Accalia's orphic existence spurred everything into motion, energy coursing through the woods and its creatures as if her very essence breathed life into the surrounding environment.

The ground hummed beneath their feet, and the stars shone brighter in the sky.

Alarick reveled in the spectacle, reminiscent of the nights he spent serenading the moon. His throat itched with a deep longing to howl, but Accalia's sudden squeal pulled him from his reverie.

With her dress trailing behind her, she rushed forward, dropping to her knees by the edge of the shimmering lake. He immediately missed the feeling of her skin against his, yet her grin eased the loss he felt. Quickly and eagerly, she dipped her hands in, causing it to ripple and distort the mångata that adorned its surface. 

Unable to resist, Accalia splashed her face, reveling in the freshness that surged through her. Giggles slipped past her petals, soft pinks that commanded his attention. Alarick licked his lips, a primal instinct guiding his actions, as he followed the path of droplets trickling down her forearms and throat at a tantalizing pace.

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