I now notice them

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I put my head on my table and quietly try to listen to my classmates talk. After what Amanda told me I've been a bit more observant of the people around me. For the first time I didn't just shut out every thing. I tried to listen to hear if they said anything about me. I have been doing this a lot today, and the stuff I've heard made me feel sad.

“I'm surprised he's falling for Funke's trick, she just wants his attention because he's popular” I heard a girl try to whisper to her friend some seats in front of me. It was supposed to be a whisper, but I heard it. It hurt to hear people say things about me that aren't true. How didn't they notice he was the one trying to talk to me, I never approached him, I didn't have the guts and even if I did I still wouldn't have talked to King, he isn't just scary he's also a big loner.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep not wanting to hear another mean remark. The teacher for this period wasn't in school and King wasn't in the class, he had left a while ago to God knows where, so I could sleep comfortably, I can't really relax when he's beside even if he rarely says anything.

The next period was break so I'd just sleep till then. With that I slowly fell into a light sleep, the mumbling of my classmates fading away.


The sound of the bell brought me out of my sleep. My eyes were still shut but I could clearly hear the noise of my classmates going out of the class.

When the class had quiet down a bit I slowly opened my eyes just to see another pair of eyes staring at me. I was surprised to see King looking at me. He quickly tried to look away once he saw I was awake but I had already caught him staring.

How long was he here? It felt weird knowing he was watching me sleep. I ignore the thought however, and sit up. Picking my phone and wallet from my bag I stood up to leave the class.

“Funke” King says, his deep voice shaking me a bit. I turn to look at him questioningly.

Why did he stop me, was he going to tell me something cliche like 'I look cute sleeping'.

My mind wondered what he would say as I waited.

“your collar” He says point at my clothes.

Immediately my hand goes to my neck and feel my collar which was folded inward, it must have happened when I was sleeping. I hurriedly turn it the right way and fix it up slightly embarrassed. I can't believe I thought he'd say something cute.

Stupid girl.

“Thank you” I mutter to him as I leave the class.

I need to stop finding ways to embarrass myself in front of him, it's getting too much. I mentally face palm myself.

I go to the cafeteria to buy food and then I go to sit with Chioma, not long after Precious joined us. She was rambling on about how she got King to say hi to her this morning when we were joined by Amanda and Mizu.

I looked around and noticed some people were looking at us, they were probably wondering why Mizu and Amanda were sitting with us. I noticed some girls glaring at me. How am I just seeing this for the first time.

Amanda sat beside me and Mizu was beside her holding a small camera.

“Say hi to the camera Funke” he says and points the camera at me. I smile and wave a bit and then he takes it away. He then turns it to himself and places it on the table still recording.It's probably for his YouTube. I haven't watched any of his videos yet and I made a mental note to do so.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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