For Want of a Nail

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Boyfriend: Man, I'm getting pretty bored in this place. What do you think of this dimension, babe?

Girlfriend: Yeah... there's nothing much to do. The others have set up camp and we're just left to gather supplies.

Boyfriend: ...Hey, look! A shed!


As the two entered the shed, they gathered all the supplies they could find. Food, water, equipment... Until they saw a door they had never seen before.

Boyfriend: Yo, what's this?

He opened the door, and the couple went in. What they saw confused them. A plain grey room, with nothing but a bed and a table. Said table had a mirror. He held it onto his face and started making goofy faces. Meanwhile, Girlfriend found a letter.

"To anyone that's reading this, please don't use this mirror. It's a gateway to all of the other corrupted Mirrors and this one was the one to seal them... temporarily. Please, don't"

The rest of the letter was written in indistinguishable handwriting, like if it was frantic before the writer got assimilated. But for them, it was too late. The Mirror started spewing out the Darkness like a garden hose. Thankfully, it never reached the walls and the two never got corrupted.

Boyfriend: Yeah, we should leave this place...

Girlfriend: Agreed...

The two ran out of the room, and exited the shed and into the forest. But they're not alone... Corrupted Mirrors began appearing, with static-y noises filling the forest. The two were cornered.

Boyfriend: ...Is that fucking blackface?!

Girlfriend: Let's fight them. And seal them back into the mirror where they deserve to be stored in.

One big rap battle later, and the corrupted Mirrors began getting more agressive. Boyfriend and Girlfriend had no choice but to break the Mirror. I mean, it's the only choice at this point, right? They ran back into the shed and found the secret room. The mirror was intact, with no more Darkness spewing out. They had an idea. They could use Girlfriend's baseball bat weapon to break the Mirror and seal them for all eternity. Boyfriend grabbed her bat and hit the Mirror several times, at a rapid speed. And then...


It exploded, destroying the shed and knocking the Mirrors back. Boyfriend and Girlfriend were left unconscious in the rubble. He woke up with his ears ringing due to the impact. He could hear his muffled coughs and Girlfriend, worried, saying if he's okay. Once he regained his senses...

Boyfriend: Yeah... I'm fine.

Girlfriend: Whew... good. I thought you were dying for a second...

They heard the same static sounds. The Corrupted Mirrors were piling themselves together to form a big blob of the Darkness. It was very foggy.

Boyfriend: Uhh... What do we do now?

Girlfriend: I have an idea! What if I use my wings to fly us to safety, and i carry you with me?

Boyfriend: Sounds like a plan! Let's bring it on, babe!

She flew away with her Boyfriend, the Darkness chasing after them.


That would be the end of the story, right? It's not as simple as it seems. While, yes, Boyfriend and Girlfriend did survive the chase... what if i told you that the Alt!Universe got converged with the main Universe, causing said versions of Boyfriend and Girlfriend to leak through. And instead of the two of them being horribly injured, Boyfriend... died.

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