Left in the Dark

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Where was Girlfriend during all of this?

After Boyfriend died, Girlfriend was left wallowing in despair. Her love had died, with no signs of coming back. She fled back to the Friday Night Funkin' universe.

It was highly deserted. The sky was cloudy, the cement on the road was cracking, and while the Darkness isn't polluting the place, she could still hear the screams of various people getting assimilated by the thing. It was intoxicating.

After a few days of walking and surviving, she came across something. The club.

The very club in which Boyfriend fought against Daddy Dearest, Girlfriend's father, for the very first time. While walking to the main stage, she noticed something.

 While walking to the main stage, she noticed something

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They were glitching out at certain intervals. It's like someone had created a massacre.

Girlfriend: What... what happened here? So many... bodies... Who could have...


Boymirror: Welcome back, Girlfriend. Did you think you'd find solace here?

Girlfriend's eyes began tearing up. No. No. No. This isn't her Boyfriend. None of this is real.

Girlfriend: Boyfriend...? Is that you? What has it done to you?!

Boymirror: What have I done? What have you done? You left. You all left. And now look at me! Look at what I've become!

Girlfriend: I didn't leave you! You were taken from me...

Boymirror: You can't be serious! You turned your back when I needed you the most! Look at this! This is what happened when you all left!

He gestures to the bodies. Yup. That's what happened while Girlfriend was absent.

Boymirror: All of them... wasted potentials! Yet here I am, still breathing... The Darkness and I are symbiotic now. I should be thanking it, now that I think about it. It made me see the truth!

Girlfriend: This isn't the truth! You're hurting! I can feel it!

Boymirror: I'm past that! This pain is nothing compared to the joy of obliterating everything that reminds me of my failure!

He lunges forward, his blackened hand turning into a claw. Girlfriend steps aside, heart racing.

Boymirror: Try fighting! You'll regret standing against me!

Girlfriend: I'll never give up...


The two engage in a desperate clash. Boymirror uses his microphone to launch it against Girlfriend. In return, Girlfriend uses her demon powers to dodge and fly. Eventually, there needs to be a Plan B for Boymirror. He remembers the Mirror bodies that he scattered everywhere. So, he grabbed one and fused with it. Then another. Then another. He would repeat this process.  That's where things would get tough for Girlfriend.

In the background, a crack full of static appeared. The Darkness' tentacles were able to pull reality apart, sending him and Girlfriend to the decaying Mirror Realm. Girlfriend was shocked. The sky was full of static, with Comics from the Mirror Comic Studio website scattered about.

Boymirror: This is what you missed! Isn't it... beautiful?

Girlfriend: You can still fight this! You were never meant to become a monster!

Boymirror: A monster? Maybe I was always destined to be one! You think the Darkness is my enemy? It shows me my worth!

Girlfriend: You're not worthless! The Boyfriend I knew would never have chosen this path! You can come back... please.

Boymirror smirks, his expression shifting between aggression and pain.

Boymirror: The "old me" is gone. You drove him away! But don't worry, he lives on like this.

Girlfriend: Remember who you are! Remember our love!

Boymirror: Love? What has love ever brought me? Love brought me to this fate. Love brought me to my very own demise where no one was there for me.

He raises his corrupted hand, and dark tendrils lash out, striking the ground near Girlfriend. She dodges, adrenaline pumping.

Girlfriend: I understand more than you think! Love is never about hiding in darkness! It's about facing your fears! Please, Boymirror. Let me help you!

And with one strike of a spike using her demon powers, a crack appeared. On Boymirror's face. It's his glitchy filter fading away.

He takes a moment of clarity to turn into his ghost form. Now, his rage won't get the best of him. He begins breaking down.

Girlfriend: Let it hurt! Let it all out, Boyfriend! That pain you feel... it proves you're still alive!

He collapses to his knees. Then, a visible spot appears from his ghost form. His eye. The eye from the left part of his face, the one that is covered in black. He throws his microphone to her.

Boyfriend: Just... do the deed.

She grabs the microphone, feeling hesitant at first. But she knows what to do. She firmly grabs the microphone, and launches it at Boyfriend's eye. Everything turns to white...

...and turns back to normal. Boyfriend is gone. The corpses are gone. She just stands there... in stunned silence.


Boyfriend saw nothing but darkness. At last. He could feel peace. But... then he opened his eyes.


The very static he saw when the Mirror Realm was being torn apart. The very same static that makes up its sky. He was still a ghost. He tried calling anyone's names. Any Mirror he could think of.


Then, he saw ghosts. The ghost forms of other Mirrors, but... they had a blank expression. Like if all the life got sucked out of all of them. Then, they began closing in on him.

He felt scared. He couldn't say anything. This truly is the fate he fell into. His ears started ringing. He felt weak. He couldn't think properly. They inched in closer and closer. His vision started blurring.

Then it all faded to black.

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