Rift from Time

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Boymirror was lounging around at Melted Parfait's living room. It was a couple of days after the picnic, and now... he feels better. He got the ability to vent what he has to say to most of the Mirrors. Some called him crazy, but agreed to his plans. There were little to no sounds. Other than the crickets and a TV. Then, a yellow portal showed up.

Then, she appeared.


The Mirror version of Timekeeper Cookie.

Boymirror: WHAT THE FU—

Time_Mirror: Hey, calm down! I know you're in pain. I've been watching over you since... well, since you got pulled into this mess. You've changed, and there's hope left, Boymirror. I know this is unexpected, but I promise, I'm on your side! You don't have to keep hiding.

Boymirror: On my side? You think just waltzing in here makes you my friend?

Time_Mirror: No! You don't understand! What you're feeling, I've seen it in the other Mirrors. It's anger, pain... but there's a way to fight it. Let me help you!

Boymirror: Help? What help?

Time_Mirror: You're still Boymirror. You're still... you. This "Darkness", it doesn't define you. I see the parts of you that are still fighting.

Boymirror: You don't understand. I'm a mistake. I wasn't supposed to suffer like this... I just want it all to end. I should be dead! Everything in this world has gone to hell... and it's my fault. It should've been someone else trapped in here instead of me! It should've been some like... I don't know, her!

Time_Mirror: No one deserves this. Not you, not Girlfriend, no one! But you can't give in to despair. You've got to find a way to take control of this darkness within you!

Boymirror: And what if I can't? What if the Darkness consumes me entirely? You think I don't know? It whispers to me every single day. It wants to integrate me, mold me into something... that I or many others don't want to be!

Time_Mirror steps closer, her tone softening further; she's resolute.

Time_Mirror: We have to confront it together. I've seen what happens when Mirrors succumb to it, you know? Way back, before you stepped in with your girlfriend? You're not alone in this fight. I can teach you how to harness whatever power it's given you and turn it into something that protects rather than destroys.

For the first time, Boymirror looks genuinely conflicted. His defensiveness wavers slightly as he glances at her with a flicker of hope battling against the despair.

Boymirror: And if I hurt someone? And If I can't hold it back?

Time_Mirror: You would never intend to hurt anyone! I know that very well! But if it comes to that, we'll figure it out together

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Time_Mirror: You would never intend to hurt anyone! I know that very well! But if it comes to that, we'll figure it out together. You have to trust me... trust yourself.

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