Chapter 2 Part 3: April 2018

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Bella: "I think it's time I tell you something. I don't know how to explain it though. Okay, here it goes... I like you."

Ashley: "You're sweet haha."

Bella: "Oh god, I'm so- you don't like me do you?"

Ashley: "It's not that I do. I thought you would never say that after what your mom said."

Bella: "I talked it out with Jake and he said he'll try to convince our mom."

Ashley: "Meaning?"

Bella: "Okay, so maybe this is a bad idea. Jake is going to come out as gay because our mom favors him more."

Ashley: "I'm not so sure that will work, lol. I think you should just be free."

Bella: "I'm not like you. I have an image to keep up for my mom."
Ashley: "I'm sorry, but when does your mom ever tell you to act a certain way? She lets you guys have parties whenever you want."

Bella: "I can't be free and wild like you."

Ashley: "Wow, okay."

Bella: "I didn't mean it that way."

Ashley: "Then what did you mean?  "You're white. I'm Asian. My parents would never let me be gay. I left home because my parents wanted to send me to conversion therapy. Am I so wrong for doing that?"

Bella: "No, I think that was a badass move."

They kissed, of course, but did you see that coming? Was this the start of something good? Would her mom find out? And what was her brother doing? He was playing football, as every high school boy does. He did come out as gay, but his mother said: "This is just a phase. You'll get over it". So his mother really favored him, huh? Jake soon found a guy named Tyler to go out with. Well, not really. He made a bet with the guy Tyler on his team that he would give 1k to him if he could make the whole school believe they were dating. You could say they were a power couple. Was his mom happy about it? She didn't even know who her kids were dating, because she barely cared. What about Hailey, you're wondering? She was okay with it. She found it rather sweet that he did this for his sister. High school may be the years we grow into the adults we are supposed to be. What if we aren't ready for that yet? What if kids these days weren't making it to adulthood because it was too hard?

Planning another party for the after-game, these six friends were happy for once.

Jake: "So that's 1k I owe you, right? If this works."

Tyler: "Ha, yeah. But honestly, I don't need the money."

Jake: "The whole agreement was for you to get money."

Tyler: "Yeah, but honestly, I don't think the bet was about our friends. I think we made a bet based on whether we would catch feelings for one another."

Jake: "I thought you were straight."

Tyler: "Maybe, but I don't think that matters, right?"

Tyler kissed Jake out of the blue, and maybe it was a mutual harmless friend kiss, or perhaps it was something more than friends.

Jake: "Woah, I have a Girlfriend. What the hell, man?"

Tyler: "You can't deny you don't feel the same way, too."

Jake: "I-I don't know what I feel. You kissing me right now just makes me more confused."
Tyler: "I think that's the point of being queer."
Jake: "I'm not gay, though."
Tyler: "Didn't say you were. I think you deny it, but you can't help who you fall in love with."
Jake couldn't help but feel the sexual attraction. Tyler kissed him until it made Jake feel hotter and hotter.

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