Chapter 3 Part 3: May 2018

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The drive to get food was composed of teenage friends wishing that whatever was their normal would go back to the way it was.

Bella: "I have a crazy idea. Let's all go get Chinese takeout to eat. What do you guys think? We can go back to Ash's house."

Jake: "Really, I'm not in the mood."

Hailey: "Yes, that sounds fun. Kind of like a double date."

Bella: "We need this, Jake. Come on."

Jake: "Fine."

At Ashley's house, laughter filled the room with memories being told around the living room. The fun they had was a moment of peace and clarity. Even if Jake and Hailey's relationship was plummeting. They also talked about what the new school year would look like. The fun was coming to an end when they had to go home to their parents.

Ashley's parents had let her go live on her own at sixteen. They had no problems letting her leave. They didn't want a lesbian child living in their house. The thought of a lesbian child in their home would ruin their image. Of course, she still loved her parents dearly, but she knew she was better on her own. Her parents also loved her well and wished her luck, although they helped a lot with money in the beginning, she didn't need it after a while. She sees them from time to time in the Asian market and not a single one of them stopped to say hello. Ashley had it rough in the beginning, but she picked herself up and got a job after school and in the summer. She rented out a cheap trailer and made it a loving home. Her friends filled the void of loneliness in the house. She felt safe and comfortable with her friends there and even more with her new girlfriend. She could see her and Bella having high-paying jobs in a luxury apartment. They wouldn't have to worry. Ashley wasn't what everyone thought of her. People in school would create rumors of her having a kid with a guy being kicked out of her parent's house and living with a sugar mommy. She didn't care for the rumors because she knew they weren't true. What really made her mad was one guy said to her, "I'll pay you lots of money for a happy ending, you chink." She fought with him and got in trouble for it. "Violence is never the answer," the principal said. Her neighbors would get mad if she listened to any Taiwanese music. A small group of people tried to get her kicked out but she hadn't done anything wrong so the landlord let her stay as long as she paid her bills and kept the music down.

At home, Bella and Jake hadn't said a word to each other. Bella had gone to her room and Jake stayed downstairs with their mom.

Joyce: "Jake what's wrong with Bella."

Jake: "She's on her period."

Joyce: "Oh, does she need something? I can bring it up for her?"

Jake: "She said she needs to be alone."

They sat at the dinner table feeling bored, as if they didn't know one another. They acted like co-workers having lunch. The night settled in and at around one a.m. in the morning Bella had gotten a call.

Bella: "What do you want? Do you know what time it is?"

Callen: "Bella, I got into a car accident. Please dont tell your mother. It's not like she cares about me anyway. I'm at the hospital, you know how to drive?

Bella: "Your wife can't pick you up?"

Callen: "She thinks I'm on a business trip, plus she has her kids to take care of."

Bella: "You always lie don't you?"

Callen: "Please, they said I can't leave unless someone comes to get me."

Bella: "In case you forgot, I'm sixteen and can't drive."

Callen: "Shit, then can you tell Jake. he can drive right?"

Bella: "Jake is not going to pick you up. You have no idea what he's going through."

Callen: "Uber, you have the app right?"

Bella: "You don't? I thought you had money."

Callen: "I don't have much cash on me and if I bought an Uber she would know. I spent all my cash on the Airbnb house."

Bella: "Then that means you want me to pay for it?"

Callen: "Would you? That would be greatly appreciated."

Bella: "Just this once."

Jake had shared Uber with Bella, unaware of the stupid thing she just did. Jake had gotten notified that night. When he looked at his phone tears poured down his face. An Uber ride for Callen Graham has been placed. He had no idea what that was for but he knew it had to be Bella. They were the only ones who shared the account. He sat up all night wondering why the Uber had been from the hospital to an Airbnb. Was it because he had an overdose? Was Bella paying for the Airbnb? Why did she have to hide that their dad was in town? As if his relationship problems weren't enough on his plate. He couldn't let her know that he knew what was going on. He hesitated a lot about telling their mom, but she was an alcoholic. It would be best if she didn't know.

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