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Why did they always have to argue?

Seonghwa was awoken that morning by the voices of his parents yelling at each other. When he had looked at his phone he had growned, because god damn it, it was just 05:37.

He hadn't been able to fall back asleep after that, that was why he was now sitting in his classroom at the very back by the window, head resting on the desk and eyes closed shut.

He figured he could be there today.

Maybe sleep a bit.

Maybe look outside the window ignoring everything around himself.

He didn't open his eyes neither when the classroom started to fill up nor when the teacher entered the room.

He barely listened as the professor started calling the names for attendance until his name came along.

"Park Seonghwa?"


"Is he somewhere in the building again? That kid..."

"He's here prof. He's sleeping."

The teacher glanced at the back of the class where Seonghwa rested in his seat, his eyes still shut, before sighing loudly.

"At least he's here."

And then he went on with his attendance sheet, scribbling a little v sign beside his name.

It was quite an usual occurrence.

Seonghwa barely went to class, and when he did he either slept or did something that was completely irrelevant to the actual lesson, so the teacher was used to his behavior.

And Seonghwa didn't want to change that.

"So, Seonghwa hm?"

The sentence, whispered way too close to his ear, made him jolt in his seat and there sat Hongjoong, it the seat right next to him, a smile playing on his lips.

"You didn't tell me your name on Friday you know? Seonghwa... It's a beautiful name." He spoke as Seonghwa stared at him, his heart beating way two fast for two main reasons.

One, fear was still playing in his veins from the jumpscare the other involuntarily gave him, and two, when the purple haired male had whispered to his ear he had felt his breath hitting his skin, and much to Seonghwa's distress, Hongjoong was an attractive man.

He must have been staring for too long because the other nudged his shoulder playfully snickering something along the lines of "Take a photo, it might last longer"

Seonghwa couldn't understand why Hongjoong was still talking to him when he never replyed. He was not fun to be around, he couldn't carry a normal conversation, and he did everything he could to keep the other away.

But the day was now over and as he made his way to his locker Hongjoong was trailing behind him, talking about when he had bought a flower and his mother had thrown it away thinking it was some type of weed, and as much as Seonghwa wished he could just ignore the other, he found himself not capable of doing so.

"...Can you believe it? She threw it away like it was some sort of garbage. I named it Jerry and it was thrown away like nothing! Oh I also wanted to ask you, would you want to come to my house?"

Seonghwa turned around to face him in bewilderment.


"Do you want to came over? Last time you were alone in the park doing nothing so I figured you didn't want to go home. What do you say?"

Seonghwa was shocked.

Because tell him why no one had ever noticed him before and now suddenly this boy was able to read him like an open book.

Like his efforts of keeping his "I'm alright" facade were breaking down all at once.

"I'll take that as a yes. C'mon, let's go"

Hongjoong took a hold of Seonghwa's hand and started walking down the hallway to the exit, leaving him no time to argue back.

Hongjoong's house was really close to his, he noticed as the purple haired male walked ahead to unlock the door.

That was probably why he had met him at the park.

"We just moved here so please don't mind the mess," He pushed the door open "Welcome to my humble abode!"

Seonghwa looked around the house. He hadn't known Hongjoong for long but the whole arrangement seemed so not-Hongjoong.

Every piece of furniture he could lay his eyes on was either black or white. It was kinda sad.

"Ok so, my parents are at work and I don't really know how to cook, last time I tried I almost burned down the whole house, I hope noodles are ok?" Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa with an apologetic look.



"I can cook." Seonghwa found himself saying and he was glad he did when the other's eyes lit up at his statement.

"Can you cook tteokbokki?!?" He started jumping around in exitment.

Seonghwa nodded. "As long as you have the ingredients."

And in a matter of minutes, with Hongjoong's help, he managed to retrieve all of the ingredients and started on actually working on the food.

"...How do you usually eat if your parents aren't home when you finish school and you can't cook?" Asked Seonghwa. Because it was unbelievable. He hoped the other didn't skip meals because that was unhealty and when it came to eating Seonghwa was extremely strict, on himself and on others. Mind you, he didn't care what someone actually ate, but he did care that they weren't skipping meals.

But that thought was swept away when the other replyed with a shrug "I usually buy something from the convenience store, or my mother leaves me something in the fridge. Today was actually my second day at that school."

Then he looked up at Seonghwa with a mischievous smile. "It's the first time you've asked me a question. I'm honoured."

And if Seonghwa felt flustered at the comment, he never showed it.

~𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕣~ [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now