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"Seonghwa where the fuck have you been?!?"

His father was yelling once again. Nice.

He sighed before replying as he always did whenever he asked that question.

"I was with my girlfriend."

"Then mind explaining why the neighbour called to let us know she saw you kissing a boy earlier??!? MIND EXPLAINING THAT??"

He almost felt his soul leave his body as he went pale. His father knew. He knew.

God damn it.

The weight that had been lifted fron his shoulder just a mere half an hour later came back a hundred times heavier as he stared frozen at the creature that he always called his father.

Because no real father would hit his own son for just the simple act of being himself.

That's what he was thinking as the first punch collided with his jaw.

[Violence/abuse warning]

And then the second.

And the third.

He was suddenly pushed down onto the floor, hitting his head on the wooden coffee table that his mother had positioned right beside the staircase.

He shut his eyes from the stinging pain and when he reached up with his hand he felt something wet on his hair.

He didn't have the time to meddle on that though, as the air was suddenly pushed out of his lungs by a kick on his stomach.

He heard yelling.

He couldn't make out the words that were being said.

He heard the voice of his mother screaming and something else coming from the man.

Another kick, on the side of his ribcage this time.

Another scream.

He felt like crying, but all he could actually let out were whiney sounds chocked by the blood he could feel in his mouth.

He held his hand to his his chest, the one that wore the simple silver ring Hongjoong had gifted him for his birthday, tears streaming down his face and onto the probably dirty pavement.

And then it all became black.

[End of Warning]


Hongjoong was happy the next day when he was walking to school.

He had confessed, and Seonghwa returned his feelings.

But that happy feeling was washed away quickly when the older never entered the classroom door, not before the class started, nor in any of the following hours.

Could Seonghwa be ignoring his again?

The happiness was replaced by a strong nervousness that failed to leave him alone for the rest of the day.

He tried calling him when he reached home after school, hesitating just for a moment before pressing the call button, just to be sent straight to voicemail without even a ring from the other side.
He must have his phone turned down he thought as he sprawled himself on his bed like a starfish.

He was so cought up in his thoughts that he even forgot to eat the delicious meal his mother had left for him in the fridge, falling in a not-so-peaceful slumber.

Seonghwa still wasn't at school the following day.

Neother the day after.

The constant nervousness that had Hongjoong shaking at night and that kept him awake for most of the time when he didn't manage to fall asleep maybe in class when he felt particularly exausted, maybe in the afternoon after trying to call the older at least five times every time, soon shifted into worry.

Worry that maybe Seonghwa hadn't meant to disappear like that. Worry that maybe something had happened and Hongjoong was oblivious to it all.

He lazily picked at the food in his plate, head hung low over the ceramic thing.

"Joongie, dear, are you okay?" Asked his mother resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's not like you to be down like this, did something happen?"

He looked up at his mother with tears starting to form at the corners of his eyes.
She immediatly stood up to gently hug him, pushing his head onto her chest while she caressed his hair softly.

When he finally managed to calm down he wiped his eyes and finally met his mother gaze with his own again.

"Seonghwa isn't coming to school. I- I thought we had made up and he wasn't going to avoid me anymore but I haven't seen him since– Mom, did I do something wrong? Did I—"

"Hongjoong, my sweet little angel, you did nothing wrong. Maybe something happened, maybe he's just sick."

She held his son's face in her hands, stroking his cheeks lightly.

"Here is what we're going to do okay? We're going to go up into your room and I'll re-apply your nail polish for you, mhm? This one is already chipped. And we can think about a solution for this together."

Hongjoong tought it over for a few second and then nodded weakly. He hadn't re-applyed the nail polish on his nails since the last time Seonghwa was over. Since it was the elder that painted his nails.

He slowly followed his mother up the stairs and into his room, that at the moment seemed too brightly colored for his liking, contrasting with the emotions he was feeling inside.

"Which color?" She asked him going over one of his desk's drawers where she knew he kept all of the different colored little bottles.

"Dark blue"

And as she sat beside him on the bed opening it, his mind drifted on Seonghwa.

Seonghwa, that reminded him so much of the color dark blue.
So calming but so tormented and pained. He was like an ocean in Hongjoong's eyes.

One day it was calm and relaxed, that was when he was able to see him beautiful smile, when he could hear his oh so soothing laugh, but then there where days in which the storm would make it wild, dark, where it would raise its waves, knocking down ships and scary people, and Hongjoong found himself thinking that maybe Seonghwa felt like this deep inside.

"Done." His mother closed the little bottle, reaching out to place it on the desk.

"Thank you, mom."

~𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕣~ [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now