S2: 19-Brief Intermission

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"The first who made it back to the stadium first is none other IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!"

The crowd cheered as Izuku won the obstacle course race. Izuku looked up where All Might was sitting and showed how proud each of them were in his victory. Following him were the twins as they came in(tied in) second and third.

"Haa... He actually won." Ryoichi panted.

"And didn't even use his quirk at all. I can't tell if I should be impressed or jealous." Kari followed up.

Ryoichi chuckled at his sister's comment. He then looked around the crowd and found his mom sitting with the teachers. Yui looked down at him with a proud look on her face.

"It's not first, but both of you did good out there." A small smile formed, showing how proud she was of each of them.

"Those twins of yours are something special." All Might comments. "They would have finished the race quickly, but they chose not to."

"It's just how we are. We're strong and all, but where's the fun in that if we constantly go all out? Plus, I gotta give credit to Izuku." Yui compliments Izuku and his tactics. "Ryoichi and Kari are much faster, but that last stunt he pulled really outsmarted them."

All Mights nods in agreement. Izuku and the Akatani twins are special in their own ways. More students crossed the finish line as the race came to an end.

"So close. It's not first place, but I'm okay with this." Selvaria pants as she held her knees.

"You're telling me..." She looks back to see Akio with Josuke on his back, looking a bit unamused. "I had to piggyback carry this lazy bum to the finish line."

"Bum? I prefer genius, thank you." Josuke rebutted. He jumped on Akio's back during the minefield zone as a last minute surprise and stayed on the whole way.

Akio rolls his eyes and removes Josuke off his back as he falls to the ground.

"You guys weren't bad out there." Ryoichi spoke up as he walked up to them.

"That's fair, but you're the one who got second. I was way behind everyone..." Alicia said as she felt some guilt about how she did.

"At least you made it in. Besides, we're here to have some fun, so don't take it too personally if you didn't do good as everyone else." Selvaria says to cheer her up.

"I guess..." Alicia pants, feeling winded from the race.

After the race finished with all the students that made it in, they were given a small break. During this time, Momo was fixing herself up after the obstacle course, preparing herself for the next event.

"You alright?" Jiro spoke up as she walked up to Momo.

"I'm fine, thank you." Momo answers kindly. "That obstacle course was difficult. Especially the last section..." She mutters in slight disgust.

"Yeah, no kidding. But hey, at least we made it to the second round."

Momo nodded in agreement, but her face still showed uneasiness.

"Everything alright, Yaomomo?" Jiro says, noticing her uneasiness.

"I'm fine, it's just..." Momo sighs before continuing. "I can't help but feel a bit distant from Ryoichi and Kari."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, we've been friends for a long time and haven't seen each other until recently. I really missed them, even Ryoichi." Momo explained while trying to hide her small blush. "But now, ever since we got into UA, I feel like I'm being distant from them. Like I'm falling behind while they're still moving forward."

Momo has been feeling this way for a while. With her relationship with the twins and her feelings for her best friend, Momo has been running in an endless circle and feels lost on what to do.

Jiro doesn't exactly understand her situation, but she was willing to help in any way. "Look, I don't know what it is with you and the twins, but I'm sure you guys are still friends."

Momo then looked at Jiro with slight curiosity.

"You're closer to them than I am, especially with Akatani. So I'm just a stranger with this. Even then, I think you're still close with them, and regardless where each of you stand when it comes to skill, you're still friends anyways."

Momo took her words to heart. She looked over to the twins and saw how they were smiling and having fun with each other. Ryoichi noticed and waved at her with a sweet smile. She slightly blushed and waved back, feeling her heart warm up.

"I suppose you're right, Jiro."

"Really? I'm not exactly the best with this kind of stuff..." Jiro said, feeling nervous about what she said.

"No, no, it's okay. Thank you for understanding." Momo says with a smile. A thought suddenly occurred to her. "Did you call me 'Yaomomo?'"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I got it from Akatani, since you got nicknames for each other."

Momo's face became red and looked away in embarrassment. "I-I see... Of course it was his idea."

Their break was eventually over and the remaining students from the obstacle course joined around for the next event.

"Now, the real fun begins!" Midnight announced as the game randomizer spun again. "Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? Prepare yourselves!"

The randomizer went until it stopped on...


"A cavalry battle?" Ryoichi questioned.

"So we're teaming up, but how exactly?" Tsuyu wondered.

"Allow me to explain. Participants will form teams of two to four members each and get into a horse-and-rider-formation! The rules are fundamentally the same as those of an ordinary battle-snag your opponents' headbands while guarding your own. But with one exception, each one of you has been assigned a point value based on your ranking in the last event."

"We'll earn points like in the entrance exam? Sounds simple." Said Sato.

"So the point value of each team depends on its members." Hagakure added.

"I'm about to explain it, so just shut up already!" Midnight snapped briefly before explaining the game further. "Anyway, your individual point values start at five, at the bottom. So the student who took 42nd place is worth five points, 41st is worth ten... and our first place contestant is worth TEN MILLION POINTS!!"

Izuku gulped as he was sweating nervously. "Ten... million?"

All eyes were on him now as the students glared at him intensely.

"That's right! It's survival of the fittest with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!"

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