The Blood Rain Dream

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The night air felt cold, piercing through the bones. A gentle breeze carried the scent of damp earth and the faint fragrance of jasmine. Inside the creaky old house, an elderly woman named Sarah closed her eyes, lulled by the distant echo of the call to prayer from the nearby mosque. However, her tranquility was shattered when a strange dream approached.

In her dream, Sarah saw the sky filled with thick black clouds undulating. Heavy rain fell, but it wasn't water that cascaded down, but thick red blood. The blood poured onto her house, soaking the yard, and flowing heavily into the streets. Sarah screamed in terror, but her voice wouldn't come out. She could only witness the horror unfolding without being able to do anything.

Sarah woke up gasping for breath, cold sweat soaking her clothes. The dream felt so real, it left her trembling with fear. She lit an oil lamp and gazed at the heavy rain pouring outside. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbling occasionally.

An uneasy feeling haunted Sarah. She remembered her grandfather's stories about the Blood Rain Dream, a sign of impending disaster. The dream was usually accompanied by unusually heavy rain followed by bad events, such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters.

Sarah's anxiety grew. She tried to go back to sleep, but the image of blood rain in her dream continued to haunt her. At three in the morning, she decided to wake up her granddaughter, Amel, who was sleeping soundly in the next room.

"Amel, wake up, dear," Sarah whispered softly. Amel, still sleepy, woke up slowly. "What's wrong, Grandma?" she asked hoarsely.

"Grandma is feeling unwell. Amel, please accompany Grandma in the living room, okay?"

Amel complied with his grandmother's request. Sarah and Amel sat side by side in the dimly lit living room, occasionally chatting to dispel the silence and darkness of the night.

The rain outside grew heavier. The wind blew stronger, causing the old house to creak as if unable to withstand the gusts. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from outside the house.

Amel jumped in shock. "Grandma, what's that sound?" she asked, frightened.

Sarah fell silent. Her uneasiness grew worse. She walked slowly to the window and peeked outside.

What Sarah saw next made her heart almost stop. Amidst the heavy rain, Sarah saw thick red liquid flowing swiftly in the streets. Slowly, she opened the window a little wider. The metallic smell of blood pierced her nostrils.

The dream she had last night...

Slowly, Sarah turned back to her grandson. with trembling body and fear, Sarah began to say " is..." 

Before Sarah finished her sentence, suddenly a drop of thick red liquid dripped from the ceiling of the house, right above Sarah's head. Fahri screamed hysterically.

Sarah looked up, her eyes wide open. Above her head, the ceiling slowly cracked, and the thick red liquid continued to drip, becoming heavier and heavier. The metallic smell of blood became more pungent, filling the room.

Sarah closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. But, her fear grew more and more. The red liquid kept dripping, and she felt something wet and cold touch her feet.

When she opened her eyes, she saw her feet submerged in blood.

The blood kept rising, higher and higher, reaching her waist.

Sarah screamed as loud as she could, and then...


The end.

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