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Have you ever stumbled upon a creepy website late at night? You know the type – static-filled graphics, flickering text, and an overall sense of "wrongness" that makes you want to click away, but curiosity keeps you glued. Well, buckle up, because I'm about to tell you about one such site that sent shivers down my spine and left me questioning reality.

It all started innocently enough. I was scrolling through endless threads on a popular horror forum, when a user with the cryptic name "LONE_CHARON" posted a single line: "They're waiting. Find them at [invalid URL removed]" Intrigued, I disregarded the dozens of comments calling it a hoax and typed in the URL.

The screen that greeted me was pure nightmare fuel. A grainy black and white picture dominated the center, depicting a desolate playground with rusted swings swaying eerily in the wind. Distorted music, like a broken music box, played in the background. The only other element was a single line of text in a font that seemed to writhe on the screen: "Do you want to play?"

Now, some of you might be thinking "Yeah, right, a creepy picture and spooky music. Big deal." But trust me, there was something undeniably unsettling about the whole experience. It felt... intrusive. Like someone was watching me through the screen, gauging my reaction.

Against my better judgment, I typed "yes." The screen flickered, and the music cut out abruptly. Now, the playground picture was gone, replaced by a series of distorted faces. They weren't human faces, not exactly. They were elongated, with vacant black eyes and unsettling smiles that stretched from ear to ear. The text below simply read: "Who are you looking for?"

A cold sweat prickled my skin. I didn't know who to look for, or even if I wanted to play this twisted game. But before I could type anything, the faces began to morph. They shifted and changed, their features rearranging into... my own face. Dozens of me, staring back with those empty black eyes.

Panic surged through me. I slammed my laptop shut, the distorted music echoing faintly from within. My breath hitched as I stared at the closed lid. Was it just a website? Or had I somehow, inexplicably, become part of its twisted reality?

That night, I dreamt of the playground. The swings creaked in the wind, and the distorted faces from the website materialized, their expressions morphing between mine and theirs. They called out in a chorus, their voices echoing in an unknown language. I woke up with a scream, the feeling of being watched still heavy in the air.

I haven't been back to [invalid URL removed]. Frankly, I'm too scared to. But sometimes, late at night, I swear I can hear that broken music box melody in the distance. And every so often, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, for a split second, I see a flicker: those empty black eyes staring back. So, tell me, horror fans, was it just a creepy website, or is something... else... following me now?

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