☪︎ Chapter Ten

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☾ Chapter Ten: Vivian('s POV).

Published: March 1st, 2024

Status: Unedited


"Vivian..." my eyes shoot open, taking in my bloodied hands that were gripping onto the fistfuls of dirt below me. Here I was, on my hands and knees deep in watered soil. The cool earth below me was a welcome distraction from the anxiety I felt.

"Vivian, look at us." My head immediately darts to the side, seeing two shadowed figures in the tree line.

"No, no, no." I instantly stood to my feet, trying to go anywhere but here. My legs ran fast, faster than I think they've ever taken me. This nightmare never seemed to end, no matter how far I ran I always wound up in the same exact field. The same two figures in the tree line begging for my attention.

"Viv, look at me sweetheart." I took a deep breathe, allowing my beating heart to be still, and allowing my eyes I hadn't realize were shut tightly to take in the woman before me.

My previous Luna, my original Luna.

"I can't, I can't do this." Allison, my once best friend slowly joined the Luna standing side by side in front of me, their tortured bodies making me feel sick. Deep gashes riddled their figures, and I tried to look anywhere but them.

"We'll show you how sorry you can really be."

I was woken up to the feeling of my body lurching forward, successfully relieving me of the nightmare I was in. My chest was still heaving, my heart beating a million miles a minute as I took in the dimly lit office in front of me.

I looked to the left side of the couch I slept on, taking in the time.


Nikolai had been doing paperwork for the better part of the past three hours until he left for a perimeter check with Angelo around 12:45. I was expecting to stay awake until he came back, so the abrupt wake up call was clearly a surprise.

   The nightmare from moments ago clouded my mind, and I knew I had to do something about it. To bare the vulnerability caused by my past, it all starts with me coming to terms with it now.

I had to tell Nikolai. With new found determination I hurried out of the study, all the way to the main room of the house and out the door.

The moon was bright and full tonight, offering a comforting glow that illuminates everything it touches. I found myself walking past the grand house steps and to the vast gardens, finally finding a nice bench.

So I sat, and I waited, and waited, and continued to wait for what felt like an eternity.

I was partially grateful for the alone time since it allowed me to get my thoughts together, letting me debate if I was really ready for this. The larger part of me just allowed myself to melt into the silence of the night, shutting my eyes and allowing the breeze to cool my hot skin. It had rained earlier this afternoon, so the scent of wet grass and rain still hung heavily in the air.

That was until kiwi, rosemary, and the slightest hint of cedar intermingled to make the most addictive woodsy scent, it's then I knew he had to be close.

   I finally casted my gaze to the left, watching as Angelo and Nikolai emerged from the tree line. They were far off enough that I knew Nikolai couldn't see me yet. So I waited patiently, just taking in his powerful stride. He was without a doubt well endowed. Tanned olive skin complimented his toned figure. My eyes scanned down his thick biceps, all the way to his large hands that held the shirt he must've taken off during his run. To top it off his sweats hung lazily on his hips, giving me full display of the happy trail accompanied by the deep set 'V' lines on either side.

   "Nikolai!" His gaze immediately shifts from Angelo beside him to my position far off in the distance.

   Here goes nothing.

   The two of them quickly jogged up to me as I walked the distance to meet the a part of the way.

   "What're you doing out here, tesoro?" His brows furrowed together with an endearing look of worry as his hands wordlessly ran down the length of my arms before settling on my waist.

"And why isn't Hansel with you, Luna?" That was Angelo, of course.

"Please, you and Hansel both call me Vivian. I'm afraid you'll both 'Luna' me to death. I also didn't see the need to wake him, I just wanted to get some fresh air." I angled my body away from Angelo and settled on Nikolai.

"And I need to talk to you." I draw out, not even sure where to begin.

"I'll give you two some space, goodnight both of you. I'll see you in the morning, Mariano."

"Goodnight, Angelo." Nikolai answers for the both of us as he quickly retreats up the house steps, leaving the two of us alone.

"Is everything okay? Here, sit." Nikolai guided us back to the garden, leading me to sit at the bench I was at previously.

"Actually, it isn't. I wasn't entirely honest with you earlier... about my upbringing." At this point he had settled beside me, our bodies angled towards one another. He had moved us so my legs were draped over his thighs, providing me with welcomed comfort as he caressed my legs.

"I-." Already I was hesitating. I'd never told anyone before, what happened all those years ago. What led me to joining Alpha Akila's pack, why I abandoned my family, how I disregarded my previous title.

I was worrying the delicate skin of my bottom lip until Nikolai held my chin in a firm grip, forcing my gaze to settle on his features, "I want to know."

I no longer felt the powerful resolve I had earlier, but I knew I owe it to him. I owe it to them, to share their story. So although my voice was barely above a whisper, I managed, "Okay."


   Author's Note:

This is the second chapter of the day! I'm hoping before tonight is over I can get the next chapter out to you guys after I give it a final once over <3

Reader Count: 41.9k

Until next time lovelies :)


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