☪︎ Chapter Five

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☪︎ Chapter Five: Vivian('s POV).

Published: January 24th, 2019

Status: Unedited


   "Vivian, it's time to get up, we're here." My mates voice paired with the light graze of his lips against my ear roused me from my sleep. I inhaled deeply, cracking one eye open and yawning as I stretched.

   "As much as I'd love to spend the day helping you get acquainted with the grounds, I have pack members to tend to. Although I did make sure today is all yours to settle in and get comfortable. Angelo will show you to your room once you're inside, and I'll stop by as soon as I can." I nodded half awake as he placed a couple chaste kisses on my cheek. Moments later he was shutting the car door behind him as he made his way towards the sea of pack members swarming around the car.

   I was tempted to fall back asleep, and I started to do just that by cozying up to the seat and closing my eyes. I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for Angelo opening the door.

   "Rise and shine, Luna. The Alpha gave me orders to help you to your room, there you're free to take all the naps you want." He had a small smile on his face as I sighed and nodded slowly. All the worrying and overthinking had exhausted me. I couldn't think of anything else but sleep, and maybe french toast.

   Angelo shooed away the lingering pack members so he could hand me two of my suitcases then sent me away, assuring that he could handle taking in the other four.

   Nervousness bubbled in my chest as I faced the car. I knew the moment I saw the pack house something inside me would switch. I'd protect this place with my life, this was my forever home, and I felt as long as I didn't look at it I wouldn't have to come to terms with the reality that I'd be doing this all over again.

   With a final shaky breath I turn around to face my fate.

   I wasn't quite ready to be stunned by the size of it once I turned around. Hell, it wasn't even much of a pack house, it was a mansion. Hundreds of windows stared back at me, each holding a different wolf that I'd come to care for like family. I was both excited and terrified all at once.

   I gripped my two suitcases tightly as I walked soundly up the sturdy steps. People were happily rushing past me as they chattered excitedly to one another, gushing over the beautiful exterior of their new home. Joining a new pack tended to have that effect on wolves, the excitement I mean.

   The inside was somehow more breathtaking, alive with all the new pack members settling in and finding their place. I was at a loss for words. There were so many different routes to take in just the entryway, I had no idea where my room would possibly be.

   "Hi! You must be one of the new pack members, my name is Kathryn." I do a full one-eighty to see a bubbly woman striding towards me, her piercing blue eyes locked onto me. With each step, her tight curls bounced, and that bright smile on her face never seemed to falter.

   "I know it's kind of chaotic in here with all of the new members arriving, which is why I'm helping people to their rooms. I'm the Beta's daughter, by the way. What's your name? Oh, I can take those bags for you." She's snatching my bags two seconds later as she smiles brightly at me and I clear my throat. This was too much for me, I was still trying to wake up from my nap and her words were just going in one ear and out the other. Not to mention, all I could focus on was the smell of her burnt curled hair.

   "Well, my name's Vivian. I-"

   "Vivian? Wow, I love that name! But Vivian if I'm being completely honest, you couldn't have chosen a worse day to transfer packs. Supposedly the new Luna is coming today which is causing a big fuss in the pack, I mean everyone's buzzing about it, have been since yesterday. Personally, I find it hard to believe considering I'm the Beta's daughter and I haven't even seen her all day, and the Alp-"

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