Chapter 6

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I just wanted to say sorry for those weird weeks. It will be back to normal now. Also I know the timelines don't match up but just pretend. Hope you enjoy:)

Percy's POV:

***time skip to after they left Sally's***

My mom had let us stay with her for a couple days so we didn't have to stay in the camp apartment. I loved getting to see her again after month. Now we were heading back to camp.

Will finally let me walk without crutches or a wheelchair. It still hurt and I needed Jason's help but I could walk. I was excited to finally get back to camp. All I had been doing was sitting and healing. I hated it. But now we were going back to camp.

Argus was coming to pick us up. Will and I also figured it was time Chiron knew. We were going to tell him when we got back. And of course I am going to tell Annabeth, but I don't want to ruin her trip. I can just tell her when she comes back.

Argus arrived with the van and we get in. Thanking him, we talk in hushed voices the rest of the ride back.

When Argus dropped us off at Half Blood Hill we saw Mason, child of Apollo, walking over to us.

"You're back. And what happened to Percy?" I was limping a bit and also had Jason helping support me.

"Yah, it's a Percy thing to do, getting stacked by a monster on the last day." Thankfully Jason was a quick liar.

"Oh that's must have hurt of your still limping. That sucks Percy." And with that he walked off.

We then went our separate ways. Jason went over to met up with Piper, while Will and I walked over to the big house to go talk to Chiron.

Will and I walked in the Big House and saw Chiron and Mr. D playing pinochle.

"Hey Chiron, can we talk to you ?" We had already decided Will was going to explain this to Chiron and I was glad because I didn't know if I could. Chiron nodded and got up. He followed us into a private room in the big house.

He motioned for us to start and Will launched into an explanation. About why I went to him. About what he discovered. About what happened on our 'Boys trip' and what our plan is moving forward. I just sat there. I didn't know what I would do without Will.

Chiron promised us that he wouldn't tell anyone until I was ready but that he recommended telling some of our friends. I will tell them. Eventually.

Clarisse's POV:

I was teaching a sword fighting class to the newbies. Most of them have never fought before but I liked getting to teach the newbies. I was teaching them disarming maneuvers when Prissy walked in the arena. I forgot he was coming back today but I figured he could help me teach this class.

"Prissy." He snapped his attention over to me and smiled. We were friends, kind of. I still wanted to pulverize him but he had grown on me. He jogged over and saw we were working on disarming.

He and I had a practice fight, to show everyone how to do it. I was easily beating him. He never went easy, especially not on me. I disarmed him in minutes and he just picked it up, panting. I would ask him that later.

"Hey Prissy, can you take this class for a bit? I'm just going to grab some water."

He just nodded, still trying to chancy his breath. I walked out of the class and went over to grab some water. On my way back, I heard a scream. A loud piercing little kid scream. I ran back to the Arena, sure some kid got hurt. Instead it was worse.

Nico's POV:

I just got back for the underworld when I noticed that Will was in the infirmary. He was sitting at a desk and looked very frustrated. I walked in silently as Will was just staring into space. I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped startled but noticed it was me and relaxed.

"Will, I think you need to take a break. This is stressing you out and it's not good for you."

"I know I know I just... I just need to finish this. This is super important and it's for someone."


Will turned away, "I can't tell you. I'm sorry Nico but they want to stay anonymous so I can't tell you."

He looked very stressed about this. I pulled him into a hug. After a minute I turned him to face me. "Sunshine, I love you and I just want you to be happy. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself and your patients."

He smiled, "I will My Little Ball Of Darkness."

I walked out leavening Will to his own accords. I was walking towards my cabin when I heard a scream coming from the arena. I ran towards the arena.

Annabeth POV:

Everything was going great. I had met my cousin for the first time in years. I went to his funeral and then we joked about it after. He also thought he had a crazier story than me. As if.

I had told my dad I was leaving the hotel room. We had gone to Boston to search for my cousin who had been missing year. Of course we didn't know and my Uncle, who lives in Boston, didn't tell us.

He's dead, well he's supposed to be. I think he faked his death. I'm 99.9% sure he's a demigod. But I don't think he's Greek and doesn't seem Roman. Anyway, I was the only one who knew he was alive. When I saw him last he and I made a bet on whose life was more fucked up. It was me.

I walked over to the dinner he told me to meet him at and he was sitting at a table, his hood up. I walked over.

"Hey Magnus."

He turned and Smiled "Hey Annabeth."

"So," I started as I sat down, "you can start."

From the he started telling me a crazy story about the Norse gods and how he was a demigod. Called it. He told me he actually was dead and about his quest. I'm sure he expected me to look shocked but I wasn't.

"So, You go."

I told him all about my life, from age 7 when I ran away to Tartarus. He was shocked at the end and I laughter at him.

"So I win?"


From there we talked about random stuff and it was nice to see him again.

Then I got an IM. I threw a dracma in and Hazels urgent face came up.

"Hazel what's wrong?"

"Annabeth you need to come back."

"What happened?"

"It's Percy."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Word count: 1174

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