💙-Madams Mafia-🧡21

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Naruto Pov-

How did this happen?

I felt the sexual tension between us but I told myself I would ignore it.

I don't love Sasuke.

I don't even like him.

I just don't hate him.

He just wants me, it's all lust.

I have bigger problems than Sasuke and my love life, but it seems like the only thing coming to mind.

I laid back in my bed, the only thing I've been doing since Sasuke decided not to let me go to school for three days now, and sigh.

When did I let someone control my whole life?

It used to just be me against the world.

Now I'm this mushy mess.

I pick up Romeo and Juliet for the seventh time in the 3 weeks I've been here, about to finish for the 3rd time.

It's old now, but it keeps my mind off unnecessary things.

Opening to the first page I start reading the familiar words once again.
Sasuke Pov-

I sit in my car, starting the vehicle as the time ticks by.

How long has it been since I've seen Naruto?

It feels like so long but according to the calendar in my office it's only been 3 days.

I begin driving, but my thoughts stay with Naruto.

he doesn't hate me.

After that kiss, there's no way he hates me. he kissed me back.

he kissed me back.

I groan thinking back to his plump lips on mine, the taste of his, lips and the feeling of his fingers in my hair. I almost lost it, I was about to take him right there.

With everything running through my mind at that moment I could've seriously... done something I regret.

Like he said.

I ease into the upcoming red light, slowly stopping my car.

Shit, I fuck everything up with him, always. he asked me if I was going to kiss him again, if that was why I was there, and I just proved him right.

Why can't he accept us?

he might not like me, but he feels something towards me, something that causes him to kiss me back.


If that's it then I'll take it I don't care if that's the only reason he'd stay with me, he could use me for his needs, anytime he wants someone to let his frustrations out on, I could be there, comforting him,hugging him to my chest as he rants on and on about nothing. I would be his pillar, the one that holds him together.

I want that.

I want it so bad.

A beep from behind me brings me back to reality. The light was green and i was holding up traffic.

I press the gas pedal, going finally.

Just focus on your destination.

I take a couple turns, managing to keep Naruto on the edge of my attention.

I reach the home of my informant, parking my car in his driveway and heading up to the door of his white 2-story home.

The door opens before I can knock and neji stands in front of me with a smirk on his face.

I smirk back.

"It's been too long since you reached out to me." He says, throwing his arms around me, and I do the same.

"You mean last Tuesday wasn't good enough for you?" I say, laughing.

Will had always been a friend, I've known him since I was little, and he helped make this gang with me.

He did all the behind the scenes things no one thought about, until we got a bullet to their head with blackmail ready to be released.

He's our backbone, if I'm the face of our group.

We walk in his home, going up to his office, the usual place he does his work.

I sit in the seat behind the desk as Will takes his seat in a bigger chair in front of me.

"So what did you find?" I ask, becoming serious.

"This was a hard one, Sasuke, but you know I don't give up so easily." Neji moves back, opens a drawer and pulls out a file.

"Minato Namikaze, leader of the Killats, has a son named Naruto Namikaze and a wife named Kushina Uzumaki. His wife and daughter have been missing for a couple years now and he's been searching for them. He's killed over 200 men, 30 women, and a couple kids. He's 42. Birthday, October 23rd. He's 6ft 5in, has blonde hair and is known for a scar down his throat." Neji explains to me.

"What do we have against him?" I ask.

"Nothing, but you have his son." Neji suggests.

"No." I say immediately. "I won't use Naruto as blackmail. What else?"

Will looks at me strangely as if he's figured something out.

He chuckles.

"So sorry, but I already told you I have nothing, we just have to be ready to fight him when he shows up. Simple."

I swear under my breath.

"Thanks neji,again. I'll contact you soon, keep researching him if you can, okay?" I say, standing up.

"Yup, I hear you boss." He remains seated and I nod at him, leaving his house.

I sit in my car and punch my steering wheel.


I just wanted to keep my promise, I told him I would protect him but now...

Forget it.

Whatever happens,happens but I will keep my word.

Even if that means bloodshed.

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