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You know what?

I'd rather have a alien standing infront of me than the Jeon freaking wonwoo

I was too stunned to speak, uncle appears confused and aunt looks like she just saw a ghost

'i don't know you have other friends than jisoo'
Uncle speak

Way to go, uncle

I looked at wonwoo, he pouted- this bastard actually pouts, appears hurt

He took two more steps towards me 'im hurt, sweetheart.. I don't know you are hiding me from your parents'

Thats it! He managed them to think of us like we are in relationship just with one sentence

Fuvk it!!

'you didn't tell us, pumpkin'
Uncle said, amused that am wonwoo's girlfriend and my aunt for some reason, she appears white as if she is betrayed

'its my fault.. she is worried about you both and the company.. she don't want my father to think that she got into this relationship for her good'
He said

He moves more forward to me, putting his arm around my shoulder and now facing my uncle and aunt with me

'your work is the talk of the previous meeting held in our company, sir..'
He said

That's it! He mentioned work which would be a complete knock off for my uncle and aunt.. their company is their breathe.. I don't know how much he digged in one night to get all these information

Uncle's eyes lit up as the mention of his work in talks of Empire enterprises

'dont worry about your works being a small.. empire enterprises was once a small company too.. now it have many companies under it with other many projects'
He said, with a gentle smile, still has his arms around me

'okay, son'
Uncle said, he accepted him..

I exhale a big breathe as their attention turned on me

'we aren't that strict with you, are we? You can talk to us about everything, pumpkin'
Uncle said with a smile 'its kinda new....'

'well it is because she never had a boyfriend before'
Aunt said, she is smiling but unlike uncle, something's holding her back

'im happy to be her first'
He said as he pressed my skin hard on my arms.. I tried not to wince in pain

'go to school, it's late.. we will talk about this later, refi'
Aunt said as she packed my food and usher us out

He, as a good man, he opened the car door for me before he taking his seat..

One last pleasantry smile at my uncle, he drove off

I noticed how my aunt's reaction is complete opposite to my uncle's enthusiasm until I couldn't see their faces anymore as he drives

'seeing your reaction for my presence in your home is- i should have caught it on camera'
He laughed while I strike close my bag to my chest

'i would like to show up unannounced to your home and make your adoptive parents fall in love with me.. does it sounds good?'
He mocked

'i don't know what your obsession is towards me.. nothing's gonna work..'
I said, seriously.. I did nothing from the start.. on the first day, he saw me, locked me, said he will destroy me and he is doing it from that seconds

'let me worry about it, sweetheart'
He simply said

'im not your sweetheart and stop your act.. we are out of their sight anyway.. listen, I don't want anything but to finish this final year in peace'
I said but I got a silence from him

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