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We were in the half way of match when cheol walked in with Anna.. the moment I saw it, I know it's gonna mess up

Vernon's jaw fall open while wonwoo's staring as if he is calculating something in his head..

I don't know what he is planning.. they settled in the sofa..

When I tried to slide closer to Anna, wonwoo make me sit between his parted thighs.. Anna, next to me and wonwoo, cheol next to Anna..

I kept my eyes on Anna as she gulp her third beer.. when she finishes her beer, wonwoo slide another one to her, she accept it with a sloppy smile

I glared at wonwoo before warning Anna "Anna, come on, you are drunk enough"

"I'm not drunk, refi"
She said with a sloppy smile

I don't know how wonwoo figure out that Anna goes wild when she's drunk.. I tried to stop her but failed miserably.. 

"Vernon, I think you should take anna home before her parents worry"
Wonwoo spoke

I shout at the time wonwoo finishes his words.. everyone looks at me like am maniac

"You follow me"
I glared at wonwoo.. I am surprised he obeyed me without any arguments

I looked at Anna "don't move!"
Then at Vernon "dont touch her!"

Cheol nodded at me as assurance. I don't know why I trust him..

Mingyu was not even interested in this drama a inch, he is busy stuffing his mouth with snacks

"Stop forcing me to do things using Anna"
I snap at wonwoo

"And if I say no?"
He is cool! Cool that makes me lose my temper

I went back inside, pulling Anna with me "we are leaving"

She whines "Min is teaching me how to do shots, look!"

"You are drunk enough"
I argued

"I'm staying"
She sat back as Vernon scoffed at the word 'min'

I saw in my side eye that wonwoo is smiling..


I sat with them, focussing on games.. it's fun enough to enjoy

I push back wonwoo as he tries to get me again near him.. I'm mad at him!

Soon later, Anna sleeps with a snore..

Me, Vernon and mingyu were enjoying the games.. at the end, cheol join us too

"Stay the night"
Wonwoo said to me in the end of the game "what? No!"
I refused..

I lied.. I lied to Anna's mom that she is staying with me and I lied to aunt and uncle that I'm staying with Anna..

I can't take her home alone nor I leave her with them..

Vernon helped me to room to carry Anna..  I closed the door as soon as he leave the room.. I removed her shoes and lay next to her

After some minutes,  just some minutes, I wanted to see wonwoo- just.. where he sleeps..

I walked to the corridor and saw wonwoo by the pool.. weird, my legs take me there..

I saw him shirtless.. hm.. you can't blame me, it's my first time seeing him wet like this..

"Wanna join?"
He turned back, making me stunned.. "I'm mad at you"
I answered

"Come here"
He ordered

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