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The class is going on.. I can't concentrate on the class, all I worried about is.. jisoo is barely taking nods and still look lost

The bell rang, jisoo quickly shove the things in her bag and ran out of the class..

I quicken up my speed to get her but my pen roll on the floor and the tall figure took the pen and twirls it in his fingers

I couldn't care less about the pen and I just took the bag and ran out as I don't have a energy to have another face off with wonwoo

I find her in our next class..
'jisoo, I was worried.. what happened?'

'just a headache..'
She smile but it didn't reach her eyes

Seeing my silence, she turned her glance away from me and sighed..
'how are we gonna do this? One year? All we can do is let them drag us.. hell'
She said

'we can.. we did until now so we can do that for another year too'
I said even tho I am hurt about it too..

Her eyes went above than me and I turned just to notice it's wonwoo..

His dark eyes were on me which quickly made me shiver and scared

And I turned to jisoo and her look says 'see it is what us..'

Right, it is us.. we were like a dolls who they like to bully

It is a fact that we are surrounded by our enemies all the class.. wonwoo behind me, mingyu infront of me and Vernon behind jisoo, coups infront of jisoo.. every.freaking.class!

End of the class again jisoo bolt away and I took my bags and run to find her

My head suddenly collapsed against something hard


And I looked up, it is Vernon

I looked at where he is looking

5 min, I took 5 mins to find her


..... Speechless

Jisoo is crying in wonwoo's arms


I can't believe it, I looked at wonwoo, reading him.. he is wearing his usual poker face which is very hard to read

Vernon went to them, standing between them..

They are having a conversation without words.. crowd surrounded them.. suddenly Vernon pulled jisoo by her coat and pushed her away

The hell?

What the hell he wants?!

What the hell is happening?!

What the heck is wonwoo doing?!

Is he going after jisoo just because of me?!
Because I kicked him on his balls?

I pushed a girl who is in my way to wonwoo..

I informed him straight 'meet me after school' and walked away

I walked around cafeteria, there was coups and mingyu who missed the whole situation outside, just eating and conversing to Eachother

I ignored them and walked to jisoo who is crying near the staircase

I said as soon as I reach her 'you shouldn't hug and cry on your best friend's bully'

'jeon and I are not what you think.. he is not always like this.. he was-'
She said but I stopped her

'not caring about how or who he was once'
I said, sternly

'dont you ever wonder why he pick you but never bothers others?'
She asked me

'why? So I can dig into his life and can fix his broken heart because he is a good person inside? That's gonna be only happening in your kdrama, j'
I said

Jisoo said

The bell rang

'time for your track running'
Jisoo said and waved her bye to go to my sports class

I was in my sports uniform, the other girls were chatting while I was using my phone alone

The coach called us so we ran to the field and was doing a warm up

The football team were on the field too..

I know wonwoo will be there too.. so I ignore everything around me, not gonna let him ruin my sports too

After the warm up, I ran in the track, and I noticed wonwoo and mingyu were sitting on the bench..

Mingyu is talking with him but wonwoo's eyes were on me

Just on me..

His eyes slowly went to my chest as I run

The heck-

He looked at it until I am running for the second round

His eyes, now in the second round, is on my face..

I can't help but to notice him..

His eyes always shows hate towards me

But today, it's something else..

Like he is watching me like he is hungry

Like he would jump on me anytime if he can

I gulped and I am messed up, my score was the least so the coach called me to her room while she dismissed others

'whats happening with you?'
She asked me

I sighed and said 'i will work hard, I promise'

After a talk with the coach, I went to take a shower..

I came out of the shower with a towel as I hear a footsteps in the locker room

It must be the coach

But I freezed when I saw who is that..

It's wonwoo.. he is standing against a locker in the center of the room

I am freezed in the same position with just a towel on me..

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