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Remaining time, I just pretended like they aren't here..

But it makes me sick.. whenever I saw yuri's hand wrap around his arms, I want to break her shoulder and choke her until she is breathless..

It's a scary thought but I can't help it..

It's evening and I have a practice so do wonwoo..

With a heavy steps, I walked to the pitch, changing into my uniform..

I thought of cutting practice sessions but I promise myself that I won't run away or cry anymore after bathroom episode

Screw Jeon wonwoo and his Barbie doll!!

I still have 15 minutes for the practice so I walked away from the pitch slowly..

I noticed a small shadow behind the tree, I gasped and stumbled on the ground as I tried to look at who's sitting there

And it's cheol.. I blush in shame as cheol didn't even give me a glance of my ass almost Falling on the grass..

I know he noticed it but he didn't give me attention..

I look at him closely as he read a book in his football uniform.. his Beauty is calm while wonwoo's dangerous..

If am not being biased, I would say cheol is also the most handsome one- might more than wonwoo for most girls?

I smile at my thoughts as I saw cheol looking up at me.. 'is my book funny?'
He asked without maliciousness

'i just thought athletes wouldn't be interested in books'
I said

'why? Because we are dumb?'
He asked me, raising his eyebrows.. but I didn't answer to him so he continued 'we can be'

'aren't you a athelete too?'
He asked me, knowing what he is trying to point out 'touché'
I'm dumb, why deny?

He smirked
'so what do you think of this book?'
He asked me as I sat with him under the tree

We talked and talked.. we disagree on most of the things but talking with him, help me keep my mind away from whatever happening on pitch..

We changed our topic to music and he admitted that he likes Coldplay
'atleast there is something we agree together'
I spoke

'hm.. atleast you have better taste in music than your taste in philosophy'
He mocked but not mean

He stood up and offer me his hand 'come on, it's time for dumb athletes on pitch's
I smiled as I take his hand..

I stood up with his as I rethink, if I know cheol would be this friendly, I would have tried to befriend him before.. or not.. still, he is wonwoo's small circle of friends..

'am I interrupting something?'
We saw wonwoo, standing with his arms crossed.. if looks would kill, me and cheol would be on fire already

I looked around to see if yuri is here but she isn't..

I let go of cheol's hand and ignore wonwoo..

'dont be late for practice, Jeon.. you will have to make up for your mess layer's
Cheol said as he throw me a smile, walking away..

I wanted to stand on my ground but can't when I see wonwoo stepping to me and I step backward until my back hit on the tree where me and cheol sat under

He cage me in and said 'are you done playing?'

Playing, what? I glared at him.. 'can't I move on like you did with yuri?'

'how can I move on from you?'
He said.. he must be kidding..
'oh.. whole school saw you move on just fine with yuri'

'i don't care about everyone in school.. that show is only meant for you'
He said..

What is he saying?

'you wanted choice so I gave you a show and expected an answer but the answer is already very late'
I remembered about the choices we talked about

'why her?'
I asked him..

'she threatens you'
He answered

I couldn't get hold of what he is trying to say

'you don't care about others but you only glare at her..'
He explained

'you never play fair, will you?'
I raised my eyebrows.. I'm still angry as hell at him.. but he do give me what I wanted but his method sucks

'if you called me over this weekend, I wouldn't have used this method'
He spoke

'if I still didn't care, what would you have done with her next? Date her? Kiss her? Fuvk her? Or in opposite order?'
I shouted at him

'yuri means fuvk to me and she knows it.. it's just you who keeps me up all night'
He said as he cups my cheeks

'fuvk you, wonwoo!'
I said, soon his lips brush over mine..

I know, these are all his way to make me come to him.. I know that he is manipulating his way to me but I don't want to fight it against it..

I.. feel my heart skips a beat whenever he is near me..

He let go of my lips as I pant 'dont go near yuri again, it's over for real if you do'
I commanded to him and he nods 'i won't'

He again kissed me and now I kissed him back as my fingers massaging his head and his hands around my back

'tell me'
He said, breaking the kiss again..

I asked him

'tell me that you choose me'
He said clearly

'i choose you, Jeon wonwoo'
I said as he kiss me again

Telling you, still his ways to me sucks

With my side eye, I saw someone's coming and I know who is it
'he is coming'

He breaks the kiss..

'you are late for practice and coach is after your ass, jeon'
Vernon said.. but wonwoo's dark eyes were still on me..

Vernon called again..

'shut your d*ck-'
Wonwoo started, my ear hurts so I lightly pushed him 'just go'


I changed the names from this chapter.. I will change the names from the first chapter once the story is completed..

Jisoo - ANNA

tzuyu - YURI

Thank you for the names you guys recommended!!

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