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Hello everyone! Here we are again! Back into another adventure though it may not be the one people want but its what ya gonna get. The title doesn't seem like much now does it? Well the world of Remnant is at Peace. No more Grimm and as you can guess in the finale of Remnant Viking, Mistral also doesn't exist anymore much like Argus. What does that mean for us? The Kingdom of Etheria is the true hegemon of this world and no one can oppose it. Vale isn't capable of tying their own shoes and Menagerie isn't capable of defending itself let alone take the fight anywhere with next to no industry. I have no clue where Vale gets its guns as well ok. Remnant is a rather chaotic place at times when you think about it and I think a lot. It feels like a Fanfic despite it being a Original Thing. Great place when you don't think. Shame I do that way toooooo much!

So what's this whole book about and why does it exist? In the outro to Remnant Viking, I have mention that there will be a 1.5 book to this series I'm making and this is said 1.5. The Actual Sequel to Remnant Viking takes place roughly Twenty Years later and that's one hell of a time skip. The problem with such a lapse is that a lot is gonna happen in twenty years and I don't want to dedicate whole chapters telling yall what the hell is going on and who the new characters are. Remnant Viking was long enough as it is and I don't want to do that again. Not yet at least. So I reckon that its better to show that twenty years rather than give it a quick glance and moving on with our day. Plus....I just have the need to write some wholesome, some love and just some feel good moments with a dash of adorable added into it. Remnant Viking was a lot of blood and gore and I reckon the Heralds deserved some actual good times. Well most of them will enjoy it but I reckon the Ravagers are gonna hate this though.....

Never fear my good Readers!!! These are the Heralds of Slaughter after all!! Not everything is sunshine and rainbows after all. Like we can have a story with them in which they don't murder stuff!! HAHAHAHA!!! But, there will be time skips so we can move this along and honestly...There ain't much rhyme and reason in which the skips go. Sometimes its gonna be a few months to a few years. My mind does strange things and that's what makes this stuff interesting. Well I hope so at least. So that's the preamble more or less done. I'll answer any questions in comments or just edit this to address some stuff that requires more detail.

Also! If anyone is interested to be part of the Heralds like Buzzy, Bell and Blank then I suggest you wait till the second story. I got some big plans for that one and you aren't just restricted to the Heralds. Other factions will be....Available. So look forward to that and I hope you enjoy this collection of stories as well. I consider them short stories cause they aren't all directly linked to one another but hey what do I know? I just write this madness that my brain comes up with. Not like there is a overarching story or issue that needs to be solve after all. We did that already. Don't expect much in the way of Outros. Outro Ruby, Weiss and Blake are on a adventure and Yes. We will get to them and honesty. Its gonna be a crazy one. And no, I have no idea when they became their own separate entities and when Yang stopped showing up. Expect the chapters to come out randomly like before.

So, Next time on Peace at Last!

Well....Should've seen that coming and its doubtful they are gonna go through that again. Once was more than enough for a lifetime of joy and at times terror. Least everyone is happy!

Till Next Time!!

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