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Reinheit: "What are you doing? Where do you keep all this energy?"

His baby sister doesn't answer except for laughing as she crawls away from him with all the speed her little body can muster. Reinheit only sighs as he continues this chase that's been ongoing for the past hour. He holds the other two in his arms who are mixed about this thrilling pursuit. Cassandra is happily clapping her hands at the spectacle while Elise is sleeping while sucking her thumb. Lynn has been going around in circles around the living room and Reinheit had no choice but to follow to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. It amazes Reinheit that these little chaos inducing babies grow up so fast. It was a whirlwind when they brought them home. Oddly their crying never bothered him and he was more than happy to calm them down. Yang and Neo were obviously gushing about their adorable antics and his father has more or less acted as expected. He has been extremely protective and clingy with them. Elise in particular enjoys it while Cassy and Lynn get fussy if done for too long. The realization that a year has already nearly passed and the thought kinda scares him. Blink and next thing he realized that they can cause such trouble. He wouldn't have it any other way. He has experience in dealing with mischievous sisters.

Reinheit: "You having fun you three?"

Cassy continues to claps her hands but stops to smack his chest. Her lilac eyes had a glint of excitement in them as Reinheit can only sigh once more. Hazuk pops out of his neck which makes Cassy laugh hysterically. He never knew why Cassy is so fascinated by Hazuk but she is and he finds it half cute and the other half worrisome. Hazuk itself is rather displeased as it must restrain itself to its upmost limit in order to keep the baby safe from its rather toxic makeup. Reinheit just finds it to be excellent training for his self restraint. Cassy however half pets it and the other half smacks it. 

Though his absentminded inner reflection almost made him step on Lynn who suddenly stopped. He nearly lost his balance but managed to right himself as his baby sisters enjoy the sudden show. Elise is annoyed at the sudden movements and pats/smacks his chest to show her disproval before returning to her sleep. Lynn is reaching out to her brother with excitement and love in her light orange eyes. Her intention is clear and Reinheit is worried about what is about to happen next.

Reinheit: "I'm sorry Lyn.... I can't hold you all like the way dad does...."

The excited Lynn sensed his change of tone and her smile started to fade. Her giggling laughter is soon replaced with silence as she begins to realize that her demands will not be met. Her eyes start to water and little distress hiccups start flowing out of her mouth. Reinheit was about to panic as the front door is nearly slammed open.

Neo: "I'm home!!!!"

Reinheit: "Thank the Fangs!!! Neo!!! Get Lynn cause i got my hands full!!"

Neo was quick to scoop Lynn who was confused on why she was suddenly in the air. She stared at Neo, who smiled back and was about to give kisses, yet she still reached for Reinheit on the verge of crying. Neo was a bit hurt by that but Cassy wanted to be with Neo who is her favorite person besides her parents. Most of the times. A quick trade and all the babies were happy. Lynn lets out a big yawn before falling asleep and Cassy continuing to laugh and giggle in Neo's arms. Reinheit was exhausted and slump on the couch with Neo sitting on the other end. She poke at Cassy's nose which seemed to annoyed the baby who tries her hardest to catch the hand that dared to boop her nose.

Reinheit: "My hero."

Neo: "I do my best. Surprised its just you here. Where's mom and dad?"

Reinheit: "Sent them out on a date. They need some alone time and I've been dealing with them decently so far."

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