Dealing with Neighbors and Favorites

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  It was another peaceful day for Yang as she is lounging on the couch with two of her kids sleeping on top of her. Lyn is almost taking after her father and hugging her legs like a body pillow with Cassy peacefully sleeping on her stomach. She pets their little heads and they snuggle a bit more against her hands. Yang chuckles at their cuteness but her attention is diverted to her oldest. Elise is sitting near the front door staring at it. Yang checks her watch and finds its nearly five in the evening. Its roughly the time her hubby gets home and Elise seems to have learned his time schedule. She waits patiently for her father though she would roll about to cure some of her boredom at times.

Yang: "Elise baby! Come here! Come to Mama."

Elise merely stares back as though weighing the option to abandon her vigil for dad or to crawl her way to mom. She tilts her head as Yang smiles and keeps asking sweetly.  She shakily stands on her feet and waddles her way very slowly with a rather displeased look on her face as though regretting her decision. It was amazing when the girls first learned to waddle and take their first steps. Y/N was ecstatic and scooped each of them up and showered them with kisses and love once they reached him. He nearly cried in front of them. It would be tiring to keep up with them but Yang loved every second of it. It was almost a game to her chasing after them while they giggle or laugh during the chase. Elise finally made her way to mom and held onto the couch to keep balance though she paid little attention to Yang as her watch for dad begins yet again.

Yang; "Awwwww....Elise! Can you say Mama? MA---MA! M-A-M-A!" 

Elise once more merely stares back at her mother before ignoring her. Yang was always at odds in how Elise was such a daddy's girl to such a absolute extreme that maybe even Neo pales in comparison yet Elise was never mean, fussy or bad with Yang but rather not as expressive like her sisters. One might even call Elise stone faced. Cassandra and Lyn, on the other hand, loved their parents and loudly made it known but Yang thinks Cassy is a Mama Girl with Lyn not caring as long as she gets love though she has a particular love for both Neo and Ruby. Yang still keeps trying to coax her ever silent daughter to speak but to no avail. Yang was always hesitant with Elise due to her looks. Cassy and Lyn were spitting images of her with Cassy clearly being her child while Lyn having Orange eyes and red tips in her blonde hair were the only signs of being her father's child. Elise was completely different. Raven black hair with dark red eyes with dark red tips and streaks in her hair which sets her apart from her sisters completely. She reminded Yang of her Mother to such a astonishing degree that it scared her. Though the thought that Elise isn't Y/N's does cross her mind a lot recently as Elise grows up. It makes a lot sense to Yang on who Elise's real father is.

Y/N: "I'm home! Man what a day. Can you believe that some mayor wants me to raise taxes?! Don't need to raise taxes for Azure Town for its doing just perfectly fine! I will not bleed my people of their money for no reason! He didn't even give me a reason and I bet that he just wants to add it to his own bloody coffers!!! That's it! I'm getting Lilliana to investigate and will send both Winter and Blank after that fool! Dieser blöde, schweinespeiende, schweinespaltende Sohn einer gebrauchten Pferdehure!!!"

Yang: "I'm so happy you decided to cuss in whatever language you speak! Oh! Elise! Say papa! Go! Go!"

Y/N wasn't paying attention to whatever Yang said for he was far too emotional and filled with indignation about the Mayor's unscrupulous behavior. He is about to take off his helmet as Elise begins saying "Pama! Pama! Pama!" with excitement. She waddles herself as fast as her little legs can function but her excitement causes her to trip nearly falls on her face if not for her father's quick rescue. Elise merely pats his helmet with excitement and playfully rough as Y/N does his best to hold back tears behind the faceplate. He never thought he would ever be part of such a scene.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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