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~ Year 2034 ~

"You may now kiss the bride."

The priest announced with a smile. Xander Reign, a tall handsome man with masculine features wrapped his hands around the waist of his beautiful bride.

He lifted her chin up, and their lips met with love and affection radiating from the two.

The crowd cheered loudly at the newlyweds. They were a perfect couple.

But. . .

That should have been me.

Seing my first and only love marry my best friend right in front of my eyes tore my heart to shreds. I truly wanted the best for them, yet I can't help but despair.

My best friend, Sumin Baek, is now known as Sumin Reign .

I smiled sadly, wiping the tears off of my cheeks as I applauded among with the joyful crowd.

"Take care of him for me. . ."

I muttered quietly to myself as I look at Sumin. She couldn't hear my voice, but she knew what I said as she red my lips.

I slowly turned around and walked out of the church.

Xander never knew that I loved him. . .

It was pathetic. I was a big coward, and now I regretted my decisions. But even if I did try, I never had the chance to be with him to begin with.

Think about it. Sumin Baek, a woman who's the true definition of beauty, getting compared to me.

Sumin Baek has a beautiful porcelain skin that makes everyone crave to touch it. Sumin also had a long beautiful wavy black hair that fluttered and bounced with every step she took.

She had an innocent eyes that resembled those of a puppy. Not only that, but she was also sociable and gentle. Even though she was a shy girl, everyone adored her for that.

And me? I'm Astrid Callista. A normal woman who was a big academic achiever back in my earlier days.

I was nothing compared to her. I didn't know how to style myself, wearing a white blouse t shirt and jeans to work everyday.

I always had my hair up in a tight ponytail, and I always wore these big round glasses because my eyesight was bad. I never wore makeup, and I never wore accessories too.

I was a pretty introverted woman who had terrible social skills.

I looked hideous.

I wandered around aimlessly as I found myself at a quiet park.

I slowly walked towards a railing near the river, just above this rural park.

It's quiet here. . . And the silence is both comforting and killing me.

My hands gripped the railing tightly as I bit my lower lip, tears beginning to form in the corner of my eyes.

"I was a coward... A really big coward."

I muttered to myself as I sobbed helplessly. I have always been admiring Xander from the sidelines, supporting him and my best friend.

I thought that I'd eventually loose my feelings for him. But no. I never did.

Watching the sun set in front of me as my body bathed in the sun's orange light, I took a deep breath, my body quivering with unknown reason.

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