36. ᴅɪɴᴏ-ꜱɪᴛᴛɪɴɢ

225 8 3

Close calls


I growl quietly and cross the jungle swiftly, my claws padding softly across the firm soil.

I had spotted the other raptors coming for Darius and the others who are trying to talk to each other on the compound balcony, and they would be in serious danger on the rope they're climbing if I don't help.

My eyes pierce through the darkness as my lizardlike stature slices through it like a knife through tar.

I had transformed into a Velociraptor earlier this evening And it feels... somehow, good, but I could do without the constant urge to eat raw steaks.

Strangely, the wanting of meat gets stronger every time I use my raptor senses, but I don't understand it.

Bursting into the clearing, I notice that the other two raptors are running right for Brooklyn, while she frantically climbs up the rope.

My body runs all the way through, and I shield Brooklyn with it, clicking at the other raptors to stand down, kind of like it the way I did with Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo, but in 'raptor language'.

The other Velociraptors screech at me, seemingly following my orders.

Thankfully, the campers climb up to safety. I give the Velociraptors a final screech of friendliness, and run back to the jungle.

My body goes back from dinosaur to human, and my eyesight goes back to normal. I sigh in relief and climb a tree, hopping the closest I can to the others.

Oddly, the BRAD-X pulls the rope, walking backwards but isn't able to stop its legs from moving.

"BRAD-X, stop." Darius says, and it halts in its steps

He sighs and turns to Brooklyn. "Good thing you were able to get me voice command for BRAD-X here."

"Yeah. Real good thing." Brooklyn says and hugs the control tablet to her chest.

"Had to keep it interesting, huh, superstar?" Kenji says, and offers a hand to Brooklyn.

She looks away but not before I catch the light blush on her face.

Darius slaps Kenji's hand, and Kenji looks a bit stunned, making me laugh a little.

"Okay, come on guys. Who knows when Kash is gonna wake up." Darius walks forwards.

Kenji offers his hand to Brooklyn again, but she just brushes past it.
Kenji looks at his hand, a bit disappointed.

They disappear into a door to a stairway and I groan silently, not able to follow them and see what's going on.

[Ben POV]

The elevator dings as we go into it.

"This will take you down to the Med Bay." Darius tells us. "There's a nursery next to it. He's testing the control chips on the baby dinos first thing in the morning."

"What about cameras?" Brooklyn asks.

"Mr. Genius has been too busy to get the island's camera system up and running. Message me on the BRAD-X as soon as you get the babies out. Good luck."

I give Darius a curt nod and the elevator doors close.

[Darius POV]

I set out down the hallway the moment the doors close, but run into Kash.

"What are you doing out here?" He snaps.

"Oh, Kash, hey." I stammer. "Uh, you know how hard it is to sleep when you got a metal babysitter's big ole eye slits staring at you all night?"

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