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"In the End, only Golden Memories Remain"

"And the other... killed before they had the chance to succumb to the darkness."

Two figures stood side by side on a hilltop that overlooked a beautiful valley.

But this time, there was no laughter. No fun. Merely silence.

"So..." Celeste said softly, her voice carrying the weight of everything.

"We're the only ones left, huh?" Her low voice sent shivers down Percy's spine. The revelation seemed more and more dreadful.

Percy, the ever-stoic man that he is, gave a sad nod.

Celeste gave a small chuckle.

"Who knew it'd end like this huh."

"Levina is missing. Neptis and Ignis are gone," her voice cracked, showing how much it affected her.

"And in the end, we're all that's left."

Percy's mind was in turmoil. Even though he didn't show it, he was slowly breaking inside. Underneath his stone-cold exterior, even he was starting to show cracks.

"Midas..." She tried to formulate her words.

"I think-" she stopped, as if her voice itself was trying to prevent her from continuing what she was about to say.

"I think it's time we said our goodbyes."

Percy's golden eyes turned towards her, shock evident in his movements.

"We both know how this ends," she said softly.

"The corruption took Levina. It took Neptis. And soon, it'd take me as well," she explained.

She turned to the ground. "And I don't think I can stomach hurting you."

Percy was silent. The words she spoke seemed so foreign to him. As if it was an entirely different language.

"We both know corruption targets our psyche," she reasoned with him. 

"Targets our most treasured memories. Our happiest of times. And pollutes them."

She slowly reached and took his hand on hers.

"Midas, I was the happiest I've ever been with you," she smiled.

"I love you so much. I care for you like I never have before."

"That's why when I eventually turn, I don't want you to see me. I don't want you to be the one to put me down," she caught his gaze.

"Even if it means living out the rest of my life alone, just for you to be happy." 

She chuckled.

"You'll outlive every one of us Midas. You'll live to see a world I can only imagine," she said, "a world I can no longer be a part of."

She placed a loving hand on his cheek, giving him a sad smile.

"I guess this is goodbye, Midas." She planted a small kiss on his cheek.

She let go of his hand, giving him one last smile before turning her heel.

At that moment, Percy wanted to call out to her. To beg her to stay. To cry out to her.

He didn't know why he didn't. He didn't know what stopped him. As if his very being prevented him to. Perhaps he was just born that way. And he hated it so much.

But as her figure slowly descended the hilltop and disappeared from his view, only then did he truly feel alone. 

---{A Few Weeks Later}---

Memory of Gold - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now