Episode 9: Oman, We're Lost!

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Balanced. As everything should be.

We start the episode with Axel silently tearing up as the sun comes up on a new day.

Axel rips off of a piece of the fence right by her and angrily throws it into the ocean.

Axel has a confessional.

"I don't do well with emotions. Especially when I'm by myself. I could always be myself around Ripper, but now that's he gone I.."


Axel sighs.

"I don't have time to shed tears though! I'm gonna make sure that all of those SUCKERS on Women's Rights get booted. You don't eliminate my husband and get away with it!"


Confessional ends.

We then see Axel more loudly whimpering as a camera approaches her.



Axel picks up the cameraman and throws him off the fence.

Nichelle is watching all this and is shocked by how emotional Axel is being.

"You okay Axel?"


"What kind of question is that?! Of course I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine! I'M NOT CRYING! YOU ARE! SHUT UP!"


Axel starts to full-on cry as her voice breaks down.



Nichelle walks up to Axel and gives her a hug as Axel cries into her arms.

We then go over to Zee and MK sitting at a table.

"I can't believe Ripper's gone! I know we didn't vote him, but- I wonder why he would vote himself.."




"You okay..? You seem uhm.."


MK looks sleep deprived.

MK has a confessional.

"Bowie made me vote Ripper last night! Ripper was one of Zee's best friends! I know what I did was bad, but what ELSE could I do?! I've been thinking about what I could do all night.. I might just have to tell him."


Confessional ends.

MK then looks over at Bowie and Raj eating together.

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