angst 🤭😇

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wow man uhm I love breaking people's hearts 🥰
(takes place be4 they start doing disgusting stuff)
also apology for being gone (I LOVE THE GIVER NOW 🥳)

On one sunny day, the two stood in the elevator as (PLAYER) was finishing the Area 51 map. Poob blew their party horn and Pest just grew more annoyed.

Pest was muttering to himself, and he just couldn't stand, could not stand that stupid horn. He glared at Poob and just clenched his fists.


Poob shot up and just looked over happily.

"Yes? Yes yes??"

"Shut up."

Poob just looked..stunned. Oh. They thought. Poob just looked down and was sad because, they thought..Pest was not mad at him.

But, Poob, being the person they were, just continued on and tried to further annoy Pest.

"Whatz wrong?? :3"
"Tell me!!"

Pest could not take it anymore.



Pest literally grabbed Poob so hard, he threw them to the floor and slapped them.


Poob felt a harsh sting, on their bright yellow skin, making it turn red. They felt the pain rush up to his eyes, making tears well up. It hurt, hurt to know the person they like hates them so bad.

"Get this through your thick fucking head. I will never like you. You're a fucking idiot."

Poob saw everything blur, they felt pain in their nose, but also in their heart. They felt like their body was shaking so bad, their hands feeling like they had ice on them.

They wanted to hide, hide from themself, hide from Pest and the others in the elevator.

(PLAYER) came back to see Poob stunned in the corner, Pest arguing with the rest of the bots, and .. Dr Retro just spinning.

Poob, just felt like they had seen war, and they shook and sobbed.

Pest watched from afar and didn't care. At all. No regret filled his bug mind.

"p0ob??" Infected spoke. "4re u ok dud3??"


""Wh4t h4ppen3d br0??"


Infected stays quiet.

Poob just looks down and they can't even look at Pest the same.

Pest, he started to think about what he did. Maybe he did feel bad. But, he shouldn't. He hates Poob.


After hours of the 2 sitting, Poob went to leave. They walked heavy, and they just—they hate how much Pest hated them.


After 2 hours, Poob saw Pest get off.

Poob looked away, but Pest walked closer.

Poob looked up.

"I want to say im sorry."

He's sorry.


"I just—"



"I don't forgive you."


"I'm not going to fucking forgive you. You're awful and you— you slammed me to the floor, slapped me, and just straight up expect me to just forgive you?"

It was silent for a long few moments.

"Goodnight," And they went off to bed.

In the morning, Pest seemed to be gone. Poob woke to hear silence. It was gray, a dark gray, with a little bit of light, and the train ran by a few times.

Poob sat in their bed, and they got up, and stood outside, getting themself ready for whatever elevator ride they would have to take, until they remembered that they didn't have to.

Pest came back into the station, and to Poobs surprise, they saw bruises on his face.


Poob ran up to him, and Pest just looked scared.

"What happened??"


"what happened."


"People just— trying to get revenge,"


Poob walked up to him, and they smiled.

"I forgive you now, im sorry for getting mad—"
"No, im sorry."


"Well, uhm, I wanna say that you're a great person, I just— you can get a little bit annoying at some point."

"I do?"

"Yeah, but everyone has their breaking point."



Poob walks up to him and leans in.
"I'm not mad anymore,"

Pest was blushing for some reason.

"I changed my mind,"


"You do?"

"Yes. You uhm..I really want to see,"


Pest grabs Poob and leans in.
"can I kiss you?"


"You want to..kiss me?"

"I want to repay you—"


Pest looked stunned.

Pest leans in and kisses Poob, and they just smile for a moment.

"This isn't a prank right?"

"No, it isn't,"

It was silent.



Poob breathes out.

"I love you,"

Both of them blush.

"I love you too."


The next morning, Pest woke up, but had a bit of an attitude.

"Haiii pest"



"Do u want tooo"



"It's ok,"



"Pest can we playyyy???"


They play a game for a while, and Pest just falls asleep mid game (STUPID BEETLE)

Done. Uhm wasn't as long but I WAS GROUNDED!!! 🥳

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