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TW: Yes, Eric is a jerk but Stefan is an even more bigger jerk. His thoughts are unhinged and I do apologize for not watering down his words but I needed you guys to get the rawness of what was going on in his head. He's disgusting and that's the person I'm trying to portray.  He does mention abusive stuff he'll do to her so please do not read if you are sensitive because the next thing you'll be reporting this book as if I didn't mention it was dark.


It's been too long. I've waited for almost almost two years now. I'm tired of being in the shadows. 

For two years I've been following her.
But I must admit, when I first saw her, she was nothing but a whore I was planning to pimp out.

The more I asked Jayce to keep an eye on her, the more I found myself jerking off to her pictures every night. 

She was gorgeous,  no doubt she would make me good money.  From watching Harris,  she must have the best pussy in the world because every decision he made has been so he could stick his dick in her every night.

His obsession fueled mine.  Twice,  I tried to take her twice but that fucker was always in the way. The second time he killed my men and sent me their arms because they "touched what is mine." That boy is cold hearted.

Or maybe we're just the same. The difference between me and him is that I won't be on my knees begging her to let me fuck her, I'll chain her to the fucking wall and fuck her anytime i want if she resists.

I deserve her. The world owes me her.

Though I'm still deciding if I want to keep her for me exclusively or whore her out every now and then. With those lips of hers, I believe she can suck any man into signing any deal I want.

And that ass too? I think about it everyday. 

I know Eric's guys are following her. I also know she didn't her her douche husband about the car that followed her and her friends the other day. As I expected,  she doesn't want to lose her privileges.

And the other day? Last week I followed her and her blonde friend around. I watched them ditch the bodyguards and slip into the middle of the town without any security. When her friend left I could barely contain myself. She was so vulnerable,  alone and weak. 

I wanted to take her there and then but that would be a pussy move. I want to take her in public,  everyone watching in horror. I want to see the look of devastation in Harris's eyes,  maybe award him with a bullet.

Later that night I watched her wear the sluttiest dress. One move and her ass would've been exposed and exposed, ready for my use. I took a few pictures, savoring the night.  I've jerked of to those pictures more than I had anything in my entire life.

The blonde wig made her look like a fucking bimbo whore. I bet she likes it rough. I laugh to myself.

"Come here idiot." I call for one of the pathetic fuckers working for me. "Yes, boss!"

"Do you know where they are going?"

Early this morning,  Harris and my Sam packed their bags and were off to the airport.  I need to know where the hell he's taking her.

"Their destination is unknown,  boss"
Fury!  "What am I paying you for then? " I take out my gun and shoot him in the head. Blood splatters everywhere as his body falls to the cold ground.

Some of the blood lands on me and I spit at his corpes. "Come clean this shit up." My men rush and remove his body from my presence.

"Blonde boy." I call for one dude, he's new but he gets the fucking job done unlike these mother fuckers here. Taking out my cigarette,  I put it between my lips and he lights it for me like an obedient puppy.

"Do you know where they are going or do you want to join your friend?" I ask, more like threaten.

"They are going to France,  business trip. Private jet. They will land at approximately 4:30. In Paris."

Now that's what I'm talking about.

"Get the boys ready." I say, excitement filling me up.

It's about damn time. Little foolish Harris,  if he knew the amount of allies I had in France. 

Walking his love into the lions' den.

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