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Sorry it took me so long to update. I had exams then went on vacation and got lazy. Thank you for your patience


All night, I laid in bed and questioned everything I've done for the past months, almost a year. Everything I've lived, my existence and place in life.

Nothing beats finding out what I just found out. I would have a truck run over me, at least then I'd relief the pain with some medication. Nothing mends a broken heart.

Any rational person would leave, but not me. I have nowhere to go, I have nothing to go back to. No one to go back to, Eric made sure of that. And I have a human trafficer after me on top of that.

Throughout the night I heard movements outside my door. Eric didn't leave, not even once. He stayed outside until morning.

And I cried the whole night. I soaked my pillow with tears. Everything was just too much to bear.

I pretended to be sleeping when he came in, my back was turned because I did not want to see him. I heard him shower and get dressed for work. I cried a few times more as I heard him move around but I did not dare to face him or make a sound, I cried silently.

And after he left for work, I stayed in bed, switched off my phone. I wish I could switch off my brain too, it was tormenting me. Until I finally could sleep.

A soft knock woke me up and I wanted nothing more than to scream for them to get away,

"Mrs Harris? It's Susan." Realizing who it is, I quickly sit up. I do an intake of the messy room. Scattered clothes and materials on the floor after my little fit last night.

I finger comb my hair, trying not to look as disheveled as I imagine in my head. My eyes feel heavy, probably a little swollen from the crying.

"May I come in, ma'am?" I inhale, mentally preparing myself. "Yes, you may, Susan. Come in." I said with a shaky voice. The door slowly opens and I see her face change when she sees the state of the room and I bite mh lip in shame.

"I brought you breakfast. It's your favorite." She said handing me a tray with everything I love. "Did he send you?" I asked, feeling some sort of bitterness on my tongue.

"He's worried about you." She says simply. "Did you know?" I asked Susan. She picks up a few items from the ground.

"It wasn't my place to tell you." Her face looking regretful. I took a bite of my pancake, savoring the delicious taste, I hate how much he knew I wouldn't be able to resist this but it will take more than just breakfast to make even want to see his face.

"Nothing feels real. I'm not sure if there's anything for me here." I feel a pang of sadness as the words leave my mouth. She throws the clothes on the floor in the laundry basket. A part of me felt guilty for letting her clean up after me but I knew she wouldn't let me touch anything and would say she was only doing her job.

She pauses for a minute asif trying to word everything carefully, "There's a lot of things you can doubt, but don't ever doubt his love for you. He really does love you, even though... it didn't start off on the right foot but he found his balance and the boy is crazy about you."

Before I could respond she was opening the door, holding the laundry basket, "I'm going to throw the these in the washing machine. I'll be back to clean up the rest while the machine is busy." And she left before I could even say anything.

I sighed, looking at the food. It brought me some comfort. I can't believe I somehow still have an appetite, but starving myself is even more pathetic.

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