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15th of October 2022 - 202 days until the incident

Julijana walked into school with her little brother Aleksander and her little cousin Zara who were both in 5th grade. When she walked into school, she walked them to their classroom where she left them with her friends.

"You have a good day okay" She told them

They both hugged her "yeah we love you bye"

"Love you too" she spoke then walked off towards her friends

She met up with Angelina, Mara and Helena before they all headed into history class together. In class, they had to sit in their partners they were assigned with yesterday.

"Have funnnn" Helena smirked at Julijana making her blush

"Shut upppp" she then smiled herself "have fun with Veljko"

Helena gasped making her laugh

Julijana went and sat next to Andrija. She smiled at him in to which he smiled politely back.

"Hey Julia" he spoke making her smile a lot

"Hey Andrija, are you good?"

"Yeah I'm good are you good?"

"I'm good yeah, just glad I got a good partner"

That made him chuckle "I literally was thinking the same thing"

The teacher then spoke "okay so I'm going to give each pair a piece of paper that has a famous person from history on it and then you will make a poster about them"

"Hopefully we get someone interesting" Julijana mumbles

"It's okay, i can make anyone interesting" Andrija joked making her quietly chuckle

When they weren't looking, Helena snapped a photo of them.

When they weren't looking, Helena snapped a photo of them

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@helena.kocmenovic sneaky photo of  the love birds
*likes by veljko.milosevic 22 others*


irina_mikoseviccc: they're adorable

natalijamiloviic: Julijana is gonna kill you when she sees this

petratrajovic: omg

mara_andjelkovicc: cuties

adri.dukic25: they are SO adorable

andrija.cikic: please send me this
—helena.kocmenovic: I will!

angelina_acimovic: project partners 😉


lazarstojanovic: caughtttt

Eventually it was the end of the day and Julijana was exiting the school when she saw Ema and Kosta stood there so she went to wait with them.

"Oh hey Julia" Ema spoke "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for my brother and cousin" she spoke with boredom

"Oh damn we are waiting for our siblings too" Ema said "how's your project going? You know the history one"

"It's going good actually, how's yours going?" She asked politely

"It's going alright to be honest"

Julijana then turned to Kosta who was playing with his hands

"How about yours?"

He looked up and gave her a smile "yeah same, me and Ema are partners"

Julianna laughed "oh right" she laughed "sorry"

"It's okay" Kosta replied but this time he sounded cold, almost like he was thinking about something.

Eventually, classes 5/2 and 5/3 exited the school and Julijana saw her brother Aleksander walking with Zara, Ana, Bojana, Masa, Mila and Danica.

Mila was Emas little sister and Danica was Kostas little sister. She saw her brother hug Ana before they left and smiled at that.

She then said goodbye to Kosta and Ema before walking home. They walked Zara home before going to their house. Zara lived on the way so it didn't take them any longer to get home.

"So" Julijana spoke after a little bit of silence "you and Ana?"

"Oh my goddddd no!" he groaned making her laugh

"It's okay your secret is safe with me" she smiled making him laugh

"Shut uppp"

He began to chase her, making her laugh harder as they ran all the way home.

When did it end, all the enjoyment? || Vadislav RibnikarWhere stories live. Discover now