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7th of May 2023 - 4 days after the incident

Today was the day, the day that Julijana Lučić would have her funeral held. Many people turned up, including close friends of hers and the parents and relatives of the other victims too.

Her parents got to see her body one last time before it was placed into the casket and a hearse was held. They walked behind the car as it was drove slowly towards the hall where they would hold the funeral service.

There wasn't a dry eye in attendance. Many people gave speeches that stated that:

"She was a gorgeous, talented girl"

"There's now a massive hole in my life"

"I will never forget her"

"I'll never be happy again"

Then they went through an overview of Julijanas life, her favourite things and favourite people. They even played a memorial video of her that her grandparents had made.

Everyone got the opportunity to place a rose on top of her casket in respect, many people sobbing as they did so. Some people even chose to kiss the rose before placing it on.

"I love you baby" Nikola whispered as she walked away from the casket with Zlatan and Aleksander.

After the funeral, they held a wake. This is so everyone could remember her and just sit and and chat. They went to a local pub to do this.

Everyone just sat there, drinking and remembering. They also made a buffet so people could have dinner also.

Everyone seemed to just want to and try to keep Zlatan, Nikola and Aleksander happy and lift up their spirits a bit as they had just lost somebody that was very close to them.

Some people drank alcohol while others did not. Most of the children drank J20. Some people even ordered cheesy chips.

Overall, it was just a nice way to finally relax and take a breath. It was a time to reflect on life and realise that it is not forever and everyone should not take it for granted.

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