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Last night brought me the peace I've been needing for years. It puts me in the type of mood that I might allow some people to make it out of the condo with their lives, but not before I have some fun though. I walk around the condo trying to find something to kill time with while I wait for my guests to arrive, and out of nowhere, I'm hit with the sudden urge to clean the already clean condo. Doing nothing for long periods of time makes me anxious for some reason.

I grab a broom from the cleaning supply closet and start sweeping around the condo, which makes me relax. I do this for a good 20 minutes before I am interrupted by Damian on the coms.

"Ez, we managed to pull this off earlier than expected; we're heading to the condo right now." He informs me. His voice sounds a bit shaky, almost as if he's out of breath, which makes me wonder what they had to do in order to complete this mission ahead of schedule.

"Everything is set up here; as they're brought into the condo, put them in their own bedrooms; afterwards, we're going to see what we do with the heiress's security team."

"Got it; we'll be there in about 15 minutes; they'll be up by tonight. I think we used too much chloroform."

"Check for a pulse; if there still is one, then you're good."

I hear some shuffling on his end of the coms, and I hold my breath a bit until Damian finally speaks again: "They both have their pulses." He pauses for a second. "I've got a surprise for you, Ez."

"A surprise?" I furrowed my brows. What could he possibly have gotten his hands on that would amuse me?

"Yes, a surprise; I'll see you soon." I was going to ask him more questions, but his line went dead; he had taken off his earpiece. All I could do now was wait.


I was in my temporary office looking over a contract I had my lawyers write up for Roman or his precious heiress to sign. I'm determined to get this deal, and I will get it no matter what it takes. Damian barged in, pulling my attention away from the papers in my hand.

"I took care of the guards; they're all stuffed in a room." He says breathlessly.

"I'll be there shortly. Which room are they being kept in?"

"In the room on the opposite side of the condo, they have a comfortable floor to sit on and thin blankets to keep them warm." Damian answers once he's gotten his breathing under control.

"Alright, is there anything else?"

"WEHAVEAMORA!" He rushed the words out from what I assume is excitement; it took me a bit to understand what he had said.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now