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It had been a long time since classes at Hope's Peak Academy were on a long hiatus, where I was already getting bored of having nothing to do, and where memories of my beloved returned to me, feeling like a son of a bitch because I couldn't be with her for longer; I felt very bad about that.

As I walked around the academy, I observed some teachers who were still living on campus by orders of the headmistress Leah, and others who were new, whom I assumed would be my new teachers. As I continued on my route, I noticed a teacher who stood out, still young and in her early days of teaching.

I heard the notification tone of my cellphone, notifying me that Director Leah had given me permission to leave the academy, as classes were returning to their normal cycle. When I finished signing the document, I felt as if I had collided with two large pillows, and heard a soft, tender voice...

"Hey, be careful. You shouldn't do that, young Lockser."

Upon hearing the voice, I responded, "Sorry, I was just signing my permission to leave here. I need to take care of some things, so I have to go back to Naples."

In that time lapse, while we exchanged words, I quickly stored my cellphone away, and she approached as if hinting that she wanted to kiss me... I took her hand without hurting her, but in a few seconds, she squeezed my wrist tightly and kissed me on the forehead.

"Wow, you're quite an interesting young man. I want you to come back when you finish doing your things, because I'm capable of coming to find you. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Chisa Yukizome."

"Hey, I thought you were going to kiss my cheeks or my mouth. You know, the only one who has kissed me was my beloved Adrienna Napoli, as I affectionately called her, my beloved demon goddess."

"I've heard of her. You moved heaven and earth to get her accepted here, but when you got permission, she died. Isn't that so?"

"That's right. I would give my life for her to be with me to do all sorts of things..."

The teacher made a sign for me to stop talking, while she looked at her cellphone and signed a document...

"Young man, it was nice seeing you. I want you to come back when you're done with your things in Naples. Director Leah has already told me that you're very troublesome and don't obey anything..."

I watched the teacher run quickly and noticed she was wearing heels...

In my thoughts, "By San Paolo, Patron of Naples. What a woman. She has that air of my beloved in her last days of life."

As I continued my journey through the academy, I thought about how I would take the most important things with me, like my beloved's and my own suits, which she had made for me. In addition, I wondered how to take the trophies and other things; I only left some books and clothes here that I used during the days off. I arrived at the academy's kitchen, where I entered to prepare some appetizers. After a while, I opened the large refrigerator in the academy kitchen and took out what I needed, as some academy colleagues like Maki Nishikino, Nozomi Toujou, Nezuko Kamado, and others were going to stay at the academy.

When I finished the appetizer, I took it and sat at one of the large tables in the academy's dining area. I spent a long time eating when I noticed that my in-laws had already received my message that I could return to Naples, and they wrote to me that they could receive the things and leave them in the private apartment I have there. Knowing that, I finished eating, left everything washed, dried, and clean, and quickly ran to my room to organize everything and send it all via express to Italy.

I gathered my courage to organize everything and return to Naples. While I organized everything, I was ordering the travel tickets to return to where I felt good. Now that everything was organized, I called DHL to help me with what I needed to send. For obvious reasons, I paid for everything with my credit card to avoid problems. Everything went well, and to finish, I took my last walk through the academy to say goodbye, where it is my second home, although there are times when I don't feel good here. I really love the place where I am being educated to become a better person.

Already past the time when one had permission to be outside, despite the hiatus in classes, the academy prefects had clear orders that the students who still remained were to stay and obey as if they were studying. In my private room, I lay down to rest so I could get up early in the morning.

The next morning, my cellphone alarm went off at 8 a.m., knowing that my flight was leaving at 10. I got out of bed, jumped into the shower, washed my body, and finished everything to leave well-groomed. As I left the room, the DHL staff were already organizing everything for the shipment. I packed all my luggage and left for the airport.

Shortly after leaving the academy, I took transportation to the airport, while contemplating what I had to do, I received a call from a local number. In my mind, I thought, "Who the hell is calling me?"

"Good morning. Am I speaking to young Gustavo Lockser?"

"Yes. Good morning. You're speaking to him. Excuse me, who gave you my phone number?"

"Miss Madonna, a friend you have in Italy."

"I see you know my lady Madonna. Tell me what you need, as I will soon arrive at the airport and take a flight back to Naples."

"First of all, my name is Youko Saionji. And thank you for answering my call."

"It's a pleasure to talk to someone as important as you, ma'am. Tell me what you need, and I'll gladly help you."

"It's a monetary favor. Can you do me the favor?"

"I can if I can, but I'm about to travel. Give me a couple of days, and I'll meet you in Naples to talk about it."

"Thank you very much, young man. Then in two days, I'll be in Naples for that."

"No problem, ma'am."

Shortly after finishing the call, I arrived at the airport. The driver got out of the car and opened the taxi trunk, and I took out the suitcases. I paid the fare and hurried to the immigration area to do the paperwork; thanks to my tennis career in the youth category, I had a bit of an advantage for traveling.

After going through all the immigration routine and other things, I was helped to get to my plane. Before, I had asked to be in first class because that's what I had paid for. I didn't want to spend more than 18 hours of flight in economy class. Once inside the plane, I was taken to first class to be comfortable and saw many familiar faces from other places; for obvious reasons, we didn't want to start talking before the flight, as we didn't want to stress before starting to travel. With everything in order, we were given the indication for the plane to take off, thus beginning a return to the city where I grew up.

Will my return to Naples be for better or for worse? Only the cards of destiny know."

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